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Cynthia 1770says
Hi Happy Hippy Mom,
Did the CRA spokespersons tell you that HFCS is approximately the same as sucrose, table sugar?
Did they tell you that it has about the same amount of
fructose as sucrose, honey, and other sweeteners?
Please go to the Archer-Daniels-Midland website.
They make three grades of HFCS.
Cornsweet 42
Cornsweet 55, used for soda
Cornsweet 90, intensely sweet used for low-cal products.
The numbers reflect the % fructose.
42%-90% fructose. That’s quite a range.
I understand your frustration. You were contacted by
a large corporate group to participate in a webinar.
In return for a nicely programmed event and a small
thank you gift, they asked to you to blog about
your experience, which you faithfully did.
Then the bloggers came down on you, and you are rightfully angry.
At the outset, I think that the CRA’s strategy to
invade the privacy of mombloggers is, well…desperate.
The corn refiners aren’t selling as much HFCS as they
used to, and it’s cutting into their bottom line.
You as mom, at home with teething and toilet training
started a website to garner support, advice, and humor
from other moms. I find the CRA’s use of your time and
energy rather deplorable.
My house has been HFCS free for a couple of years. I’ve
had to give up some favorite brands: Nabisco’s Fig
Newtons, Major Grey’s Chutney, Campbell’s Tomato Soup.
I am also a mom, though my daughter is now married, and
parenting is not an immediate, everyday affair, but
a long distance reward.
Keep up the communication with other moms. I wish I
would have had that outlet back in the early 80’s.
Don’t feel too angry or even used. Consider it a learning, living, and maybe later, laughing experience.
Take care,
Cynthia Papierniak, M.S.
Thank you Cynthia! Your comment is VERY refreshing! I’m definitely going to check out the Archer-Daniels-Midland website. To be fair and honest, there was some information given at the webinar I didn’t agree with (like aspartame being safe) and I’m open to any factual determination that was not earlier discussed.
Rosanne Rust, MS, RD, LDNsays
[Had trouble submitting…hopefully did not submit twice:)]
What a sensible blog post Happy Hippie Mom!
I was one of the RDs on that webinar, and as a consultant to the Corn Refiner’s, I, like you, would never sell my professional nor personal beliefs to a corporation.
I believe in moderation and balance. I critically look at the research that’s done, and also have the experience of watching nearly 25 years of nutrition science/recommendations evolve, and have counseled thousands of people in behavior change. There’s no “one” healthy diet. There are many ways to consume a healthy diet.
My aim is to clarify the science of HFCS, as well as the BEHAVIORS associated with the consumption of products containing it. While there are various types of HFCS used in our food supply today, most is either 42 or 55. The HFCS-90 is used in very small amounts due to its intensity, and therefore adds negligible amounts of fructose.
I am also a mother of 3 children. We don’t ban products in our home. We eat a healthy diet, grow a garden, have fruit trees, eat breakfast-lunch-and-dinner, cook meals… but also occasionally enjoy baked treats, and some packaged foods.
I truly believe it’s not the sweeteners, it’s the amount consumed. Did you consume soda pop on a regular basis when you were a kid? Probably not. And if folks were chugging 20-ounce bottles of the stuff back in the 70s (made with cane sugar) the consequence would have been weight gain.
People need to reduce their intake of all caloric sweeteners – because one fact is for sure, whether it’s honey, cane sugar, beet sugar, or HFCS, it’s all sugar – void of any nutritional value.
The simple behavior change of substituting milk or water for most of those sodas (and energy drinks, and sports drinks, and juices) kids are drinking, would go along way in providing calorie-controlled nutrition to a child’s diet.
Thanks for joining the webinar and sharing your thoughts.
R Hallsays
Hi Happy, here is the Princeton Study which is supported by the U. S. Public Health Service. Please read it and do your own research. Falling for the CRA Webinar hook line and sinker is just foolish.
They have so much to lose they are willing to lie to us just like the tobacco companies, how many people had to die for us to figure out smoking will kill us and still there are those who smoke because it is an addiction and so is “corn sugar”.
After you read this research start googling the over production of corn in the U.S. and what all the chemical fertilizers used in corn production is doing to the waterways, oceans and the earth. This is a much bigger problem than you realize – watch Food Inc. for heaven sake (with your family). Your attitude really upset me – we need to fix all this so our children have a future.
Hi Happy Hippy Mom,
Did the CRA spokespersons tell you that HFCS is approximately the same as sucrose, table sugar?
Did they tell you that it has about the same amount of
fructose as sucrose, honey, and other sweeteners?
Please go to the Archer-Daniels-Midland website.
They make three grades of HFCS.
Cornsweet 42
Cornsweet 55, used for soda
Cornsweet 90, intensely sweet used for low-cal products.
The numbers reflect the % fructose.
42%-90% fructose. That’s quite a range.
I understand your frustration. You were contacted by
a large corporate group to participate in a webinar.
In return for a nicely programmed event and a small
thank you gift, they asked to you to blog about
your experience, which you faithfully did.
Then the bloggers came down on you, and you are rightfully angry.
At the outset, I think that the CRA’s strategy to
invade the privacy of mombloggers is, well…desperate.
The corn refiners aren’t selling as much HFCS as they
used to, and it’s cutting into their bottom line.
You as mom, at home with teething and toilet training
started a website to garner support, advice, and humor
from other moms. I find the CRA’s use of your time and
energy rather deplorable.
My house has been HFCS free for a couple of years. I’ve
had to give up some favorite brands: Nabisco’s Fig
Newtons, Major Grey’s Chutney, Campbell’s Tomato Soup.
I am also a mom, though my daughter is now married, and
parenting is not an immediate, everyday affair, but
a long distance reward.
Keep up the communication with other moms. I wish I
would have had that outlet back in the early 80’s.
Don’t feel too angry or even used. Consider it a learning, living, and maybe later, laughing experience.
Take care,
Cynthia Papierniak, M.S.
Thank you Cynthia! Your comment is VERY refreshing! I’m definitely going to check out the Archer-Daniels-Midland website. To be fair and honest, there was some information given at the webinar I didn’t agree with (like aspartame being safe) and I’m open to any factual determination that was not earlier discussed.
[Had trouble submitting…hopefully did not submit twice:)]
What a sensible blog post Happy Hippie Mom!
I was one of the RDs on that webinar, and as a consultant to the Corn Refiner’s, I, like you, would never sell my professional nor personal beliefs to a corporation.
I believe in moderation and balance. I critically look at the research that’s done, and also have the experience of watching nearly 25 years of nutrition science/recommendations evolve, and have counseled thousands of people in behavior change. There’s no “one” healthy diet. There are many ways to consume a healthy diet.
My aim is to clarify the science of HFCS, as well as the BEHAVIORS associated with the consumption of products containing it. While there are various types of HFCS used in our food supply today, most is either 42 or 55. The HFCS-90 is used in very small amounts due to its intensity, and therefore adds negligible amounts of fructose.
I am also a mother of 3 children. We don’t ban products in our home. We eat a healthy diet, grow a garden, have fruit trees, eat breakfast-lunch-and-dinner, cook meals… but also occasionally enjoy baked treats, and some packaged foods.
I truly believe it’s not the sweeteners, it’s the amount consumed. Did you consume soda pop on a regular basis when you were a kid? Probably not. And if folks were chugging 20-ounce bottles of the stuff back in the 70s (made with cane sugar) the consequence would have been weight gain.
People need to reduce their intake of all caloric sweeteners – because one fact is for sure, whether it’s honey, cane sugar, beet sugar, or HFCS, it’s all sugar – void of any nutritional value.
The simple behavior change of substituting milk or water for most of those sodas (and energy drinks, and sports drinks, and juices) kids are drinking, would go along way in providing calorie-controlled nutrition to a child’s diet.
Thanks for joining the webinar and sharing your thoughts.
Hi Happy, here is the Princeton Study which is supported by the U. S. Public Health Service. Please read it and do your own research. Falling for the CRA Webinar hook line and sinker is just foolish.
They have so much to lose they are willing to lie to us just like the tobacco companies, how many people had to die for us to figure out smoking will kill us and still there are those who smoke because it is an addiction and so is “corn sugar”.
After you read this research start googling the over production of corn in the U.S. and what all the chemical fertilizers used in corn production is doing to the waterways, oceans and the earth. This is a much bigger problem than you realize – watch Food Inc. for heaven sake (with your family). Your attitude really upset me – we need to fix all this so our children have a future.