Have any of my readers tried the Liquid Amino Diet? The weight loss program was co-founded by Dr. Humble Finsand. He is the founder of Pro-Active Health and has established himself as a doctor in Salt Lake City, Utah, and treats patients through chiropractic, nutrition, and fitness. Dr. Finsand is a passionate advocate of promoting healthy weight loss with researched based low glycemic plans and encourages a healthy lifestyle to prevent diseases and illnesses. As a physician he also lectures often, so perhaps you may have heard him speak on weight loss before.
Anyhow, I have decided to give the [amazon_link id=”B00E9ZZPXE” target=”_blank” ]Liquid Amino Diet[/amazon_link] a 30 day run to see if I can lose this stubborn weight that just don’t want to seem to go no matter what I do. Honestly, I think the fat is somehow superglued to my body and it is going to take a miracle to get it off, but this diet looks really promising. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people who have had success by staying on the low glycemic plan and using the Amino Diet Plus drops. The testimonials are extremely encouraging with some people professing to have lost a pound a day. Although, it was Elizabeth’s video that motivated me to try the Liquid Amino Diet. Her weight loss journey is amazing and such an inspiration to anyone who needs to lose weight. She lost 85 pounds and 70 inches using the diet program. Watch it below and you will see what I am talking about!
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What is it?
Okay, so what exactly is the Liquid Amino Diet? The entire diet plan is based on consuming low glycemic foods and ingesting exclusive products (the Amino Diet Plus drops) to reduce abnormal body fat and increase the metabolism, resulting in rapid weight loss. The main idea is you only eat foods that release glucose into the blood stream slowly. Basically, it teaches you to eat clean, meaning no sugar nor artificial sweeteners, packaged foods, processed junk, alcohol, or any other toxic crap is allowed on this diet. Additionally, bananas, pork, potatoes, corn, farmed fish (toxic and disrupt hormones) are to be avoided as well. What you are allowed to have is lean protein, cottage cheese, approved fruits and vegetables, certain beans, and healthy fats such as almonds, olive oil, coconut oil, and eggs. Oh, and if you can’t live without grain you are let to have one serving of melba toast, whole grain Wheat Thins, Grissini breadsticks, or any healthy cracker up to 20 calories. Stevia is permitted too as long as it does not contain erythritol, which has a potential to slow weight loss.
Preparing Your Body
Before starting the diet protocol it is recommended you prepare your body for the Liquid Amino Diet. Because the main goal is rapid weight loss, sugar and starches are cut out of the diet for the initial weight loss phase. With that being the case, your body is going to go through a sort of detox, which could cause symptoms of hunger, irritability, headaches, and sleepiness. To combat these symptoms, it is recommended you consume healthy fats for two days before beginning the program. Additionally, during this time you should consume foods you normally crave, because once the diet begins you won’t be eating them. However, soda of any kind (including diet) is not allowed during this time.
The Liquid Amino Diet is broken into three phases.
Phase 1:
During this phase, which last between 30-90 days, you will begin taking the Amino Diet Plus drops, spaced out evenly three times per day. When taking the drops you are not supposed to drink or eat anything 15 minutes before or after and place them under your tongue for 20 seconds before swallowing.
You are consuming 1,000 calories a day by eating five small meals, each containing a protein, with your biggest meal being breakfast and then each meal tapering off to a smaller dinner. There is an approved list of foods to follow within the Liquid Amino Diet “The Key to a Healthier You” handbook. Some of the vegetables included are artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, fennel, green beans, and more. No potatoes (sweet or white) or corn is permitted during this phase. Also, lettuce counts as a sort of calorie freebie and may be eaten in any quantity. You are to eat 4 servings of vegetables a day. Furthermore, the program wants you to consume two servings of fruit daily as well. The approved fruit list contains apples (1 any size, but not 2 small), blueberries, cherries, grapes, grapefruit, orange, peach, pear, plums, and strawberries. You also must have 1 serving a day of healthy fat, which might consist of eggs (also counts as protein), almonds (also counts as protein), coconut oil, flax seed, or olive oil.
An essential part of the diet protocol is to drink half your body weight in ounces. Water, seltzer, mineral water, and herbal tea go towards your goal. Caffeinated coffee and tea are permitted, but don’t count toward your daily water intake. So, if you weigh 180 pounds you need to drink 90 ounces of water. The book says never to drink under 64 ounces of water each day.
There are a few additional supplements recommended including a daily vitamin, Omega 3, Vitamin D-3, Vitamin B-12, and a Liver Cleanse (Dual Detox) available on their website. Plus, there is a Natural Edge Whey Protein Complete Blend shake they want you to use as a post workout drink or meal on ACTIVE (60-90 minute workout) days.
Exercise during Phase 1 is encouraged, but not mandatory. The book explains more on the different zones that you can work out in.
During this time the average expected weight loss is about 0.5-1 pound daily if you fully follow the plan.
Phase 2
Phase 2 lasts for 21 days with an intake of 1,500 calories daily. The goal of the phase is to create a new weight set point that your body auto maintains. More foods are introduced during this time and the drops are strongly recommended to still be used, but only two times per day. However, it is not a requirement.
Phase 3
After the 1st and 2nd phase you enter phase 3. There is no actual set program during this time, but they do offer specific guidelines to help you maintain your optimum weight, such as daily physical activity.
The Amino Diet Plus drops
The homeopathic diet drops are used to help increase weight loss, rid the body of toxins, and balance the hormones. The ingredients within the drops include PhytolaccaBerry, a-ketoglutaricum acidum, Graphites, Taraxacum Officinale, Lophopytum leandri, and Calcarea Carbonica. For more information on exactly what they do visit here.
No Set Cheat Day
The Liquid Amino Diet actually sounds like a very healthy way to lose weight. It is a way of teaching you how to eliminate junk out of your diet and only eat healthy foods. There is no allowed cheat day and if you are going into the diet looking for one…you probably are not going to meet your goals. However, it does happen and if you down a piece of chocolate cake—pick yourself up, shake it off, and continue on with the diet. Nobody is perfect, but it will only slow your weight loss down.
I’m starting off at 127 pounds and looking to lose at least 10 pounds on this diet. Unfortunately, like most individuals who need to shed a few pounds, I have attempted several diets in the past only to be let down or regain the weight. The yoyo dieting has given me a bad attitude towards food in general and I need to reprogram my way of thinking. I think the Liquid Amino Diet might help get me back on the correct track. There is a plethora of low glycemic recipes on the website, which makes it easier to plot meals. I plan on sticking strictly to the diet protocol, exercising occasionally, and hopefully I will see some results! I’ll keep you updated!
Oh, I forgot to mention one other thing I love about this diet. You have a weight loss coach that helps you with any questions. So, if you are not seeing the result you think you should be than they will try and help tweak the program to maximize your weight loss. A very cool feature provided when you purchase the program!
Additionally, keep watching for a giveaway were one lucky reader will win the Liquid Amino Diet program!
Stay Connected
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Amino Diet Promo Code!
Save $16 off the price of any amino drop kits when using the promo code happyhippymom at checkout!
I’ve never even heard of this diet. Sounds interesting, and I’m glad to hear that you actually prepare your body for it!
good luck! Im trying to lose weight too so anything that would help!