Your digestive health is so important and it’s essential it’s all working correctly so you can live a happy and healthy life. So if you find you are always rushing to the toilet, you need to consider what is affecting your digestion and making it not be so efficient. Here are some tips for improving your digestive health.
Drink more water
You need to ensure that you are drinking enough water every day to keep your digestion system healthy. It’s not only good for helping you to lose weight, but it keeps you feeling hydrated during the day. It can help to ensure food passes through your body efficiently, which will stop you from having bad belly ache. Remember it should be water that you are drinking to keep your digestive system healthy; you should avoid coffee and soda. As discussed here, soda and coffee can dehydrate you and can create acid in your body. Therefore, stick to water to keep your digestive health working efficiently.
Avoid spicy foods
Another thing you need to do to improve your digestive health is to avoid spicy foods. If you eat a lot of spicy foods, it can upset your stomach and cause your digestive health to stop working correctly. Try and stick to foods which will easily be able to move through your body. Avoid high-fat foods which can often lead to have diarrhea. You can keep a food diary to see which foods are upsetting your stomach and remove these from your diet. Try and eat more foods such as yogurts; they are full of good bacteria such as Bifidus Actiregularis which is found in Danone yogurt products. These are good to keep your digestive health working correctly.
Eat a high fiber diet
You need also to eat a high fiber diet if you want to keep your digestive health in good form. As it says in this feature, a high fiber diet will help the food keeping moving through the digestive tract. It can also help you to maintain a healthy weight, and is also good if you are suffering from bowel issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can find fiber in foods such as vegetables and wholemeal bread.
Talk to the doctor
One of the top ways to improve your digestive health is by talking to a doctor about your worries. They will be able to help you figure out what’s causing you to have issues with your digestive health. You may be suffering from a condition that you don’t know about, so they will be able to tell you if this is the case. They may also advise that you go and speak to a nutritionist. They will be able to help you stick to a better diet, so you regulate your bowel movements.
Try not to worry
If you want to improve your digestive health, you need to try and not worry about it. If you start worrying, it can affect your stomach and cause your digestive health to start not working efficiently. You should also ensure you go to the toilet when you need to; if you hold it in, you will end up causing further stomach issues.
Hopefully, these tips will keep you and your family’s digestive health on track.
I love to eat Greek yogurt to keep my digestive tract healthy
Hi Michelle! Good article! You’re right about our digestive health playing such an important role in our overall well-being. When something’s not right there, it can really make our lives miserable. This may just be anecdotal, but I think one of the best things I do for my digestion is that I eat 2 or 3 tablespoons of raw shelled hemp seeds every morning with my breakfast. My system has really improved since I started doing that. It has a lot of fiber and is rich in magnesium and other minerals. Tastes great, too!