Are you sick of having low quality sleep? There’s no need to think that you’re stuck this way forever, or that there isn’t much you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. There’s probably more you can do than you think. In fact, you can have the best sleep you’ve ever had – all by tonight! Here’s how you can start getting an amazing quality of sleep and waking up feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day:
Exercise In The Morning
Exercising in the morning is one of the best ways to expend some energy and feel more sleepy come bedtime. If for whatever reason you can’t exercise in the morning, you could also exercise in the afternoon. However, make sure you don’t exercise too close to bedtime, as this can actually leave you feeling more stimulated than you want to be. It can leave you lying awake buzzing at bedtime rather than feeling sleepy! Getting your exercise in early on in the day is the best way to get a great quality of sleep. Even if you only take a short walk or do a quick circuit, it’s better than nothing!
Watch What You Eat And Drink
The things we eat and drink can nourish us, make us feel amazing, and help us to get the best quality of sleep through the day. However, it can also make us feel rubbish, and make us toss and turn later on. You should eat high quality foods and drink plenty of water. Avoiding junk food and consuming too much caffeine is important if you want the best quality sleep. If you love coffee, having a couple of cups in the morning is OK. However, having too many and drinking them too late in the day could keep you up at night.
Wind Down Before Bed
Before bed, it’s essential to wind down. You need to start signalling to your body that it’s bedtime. This means not watching TV, or doing anything too stimulating to your body. Instead, try reading. Dim the lights too. This will help your body get ready for bed. Don’t stay up right until bed watching TV!
Take A Hot Bath
Hot baths make our bodies cool down quite a bit when we get out, which makes us sleepy. If you struggle to sleep, then having a hot bath before you get in bed could enable your body to drift off easier. Not only can hot baths make us sleepy, they can relieve any pain you may be suffering with, and even loosen up tight muscles. They have many benefits! Just make sure you moisturize afterwards to avoid drying your skin out.
Take Supplements
There are even certain supplements that can help you to fall to sleep. There’s a supplement called ZMA that is said to help people drop off before bed, but there are many more out there too. If you’re thinking of taking this route, make sure you do your research before forking out on anything expensive. You want to make sure that whatever you buy is safe and effective. Some supplements may well just use the placebo effect.
Drink The Right Kind Of Tea
There are a few teas you can drink before bed that will help you to drift off. You want to stay away from tea with caffeine in it. Even if it’s only a small amount, it could help to keep you awake. Drinking tea like Rooibos and Chamomile will help you to fall asleep. You could even start drinking it earlier on in the evening so that you feel more relaxed. Don’t put sugar or milk in it though, as this adds unnecessary calories and could keep you awake.
Make Sure Your Bedroom Is Suitable
If your bedroom isn’t suitable for sleep, you’re going to find it very difficult to drop off. It should be pitch black in there when it’s time for you to sleep. You can use a blackout blind for this, but you should make sure there are no standby lights from appliances either. As well as making sure your room is dark enough, your bed should be suitable for your needs. Is it large enough? Soft/firm enough? Make sure the temperature of the room is suitable too. You’ll also want to declutter and make sure the colors aren’t too stimulating. If you ever use your bedroom for things other than sleep, such as work, your body will be confused when you try to sleep in there too. Use your bedroom for sleep only. It should feel like a relaxing, sacred space to you by the time you’re finished.
Listen To Relaxing Music
Listening to relaxing music before bed and as you try to drop off could help to relax you. Classical music that’s quite soft and slow can be a huge help, and you could be dropping off before you know it! You can buy CDs, listen to meditations, or find relaxing playlists on Spotify.
Use Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a very popular method for getting a better quality of sleep. You can also use it for things like feeling energized, but we’ll focus on sleep for now! You can use drops of aromatherapy oils in your bath, on your pillow, or on your pressure points. You can even use diffusers. Find the best way of taking the oils into your system for you, and you should feel very relaxed come bed time. Aromatherapy has been used in a multitude of different cultures and countries for a very long time, so there’s no doubt that it works!
See? You can have the most amazing sleep you’ve ever had by tonight. It might take some effort on your part. Perhaps you need to get into healthier habits, and break bad habits that are stopping you from doing this. You might also need to take time redecorating and arranging your bedroom to make it more suitable. Whatever you need to do, try it today. You’ll love the results!
I have trouble sleeping sometimes. These are all great ideas!
I always exercise in the morning! I never exercise in the evening because I cannot sleep then!
some awesome tips and points ,i have problems sleeping so this may help
Really good tips I have a hard time sleeping due to pain from rheumatoid arthritis but I Wollongong take advice and tips from everyone I can.
I am a fan of chamomile tea when it comes to my sleeping problem, I even research more about it and wrote it here , but i learn a lot more methods from this article i would be trying myself. Thanks for this