Maintaining to keep the house clean can be expensive. Everyone wants to keep the house sparkling and free from bacteria but the costs of cleaning supplies can add up. Here are six creative ways to help minimize those costs!
6 Frugal Housekeeping Tips
1. Buy a multipurpose cleanser to replace the job of multiple products. Simple Green All Purpose cleaner can be economically diluted and used for many uses. It gets the jobs done and is also non-toxic. Not only does this save you money but also space! I know I have a multitude of cans, spray bottles, and canisters that are stuffed in my cabinet. Getting a multipurpose cleanser that can do the job of all those cleaning products and eliminating the clutter is a great idea!
2. Avoid pricey fabric softener sheets. Dampen an old sock or towel with diluted fabric softener, squeeze out any excess and toss in the dryer. This was one of my favorite tips since I do heaps of laundry. I like the clothes soft and smelling fresh but the dryer sheets are to expensive to use with every load.
3. Make your own room deodorizers. Put a few drops of an oil such as eucalyptus, peppermint, or lavender on multiple cotton balls and place them in a decorative jar with a lid. When you want to deodorize the room simply remove the lid.
4. Remove muddy footprints on the carpet with salt. Sprinkle the muddy carpet with a generous amount of salt and rub it in. Wait an hour and vacuum it off. If any of the spot still remains or the mud is dried, make a solution by diluting 1/4 teaspoon dish washing liquid with a quart of warm water. Cover the spot with solution and vacuum again once spot has dried.
5. Remove hard water stains in your bathroom with toothpaste. Squeeze some on an old toothbrush and scrub the stains away.
6.Clean your toilet with baking soda and white vinegar. Let sit for a few hours, then scrub with a toilet brush.
7. Dry the clothes in consecutive batches. This helps cut energy because the dryer is already warm from the prior loads and does not have to warm up each time you begin a new one.
Check your local Dollar Store! The Dollar Store can be a fantastic source for saving money. I normally can buy most my cleaning supplies such as sponges, towels, gloves, and some cleaners for only $1.00 a piece.
I love these tips. I use an all purpose cleaner now. Never thought of using a sock soaked in fabric softener. I’m going to try it.
Great tip on deoderizing a room.
Love your blog and the tips are great! I look forward to following your blog 🙂