Donna Guthrie, an award winning author of 23 children books, has found an unique way of bringing the world to kids without them having to leave their own homes. She is the founder of, a wonderful interactive educational website that encourages children to express themselves by modern technology via video pod casting. Being referred to as the “educational YouTube,” is geared towards children of the ages 7-12, currently offering more than 40 three to four minute informational virtual field trips from a child’s point of view.At this moment the featured episode on is “Robert Sabuda & The Pop-Up Book.” The video is of the famous pop-up book artist Robert Sabuda. He is interviewed by a cute little girl named Euphrozenia who visits him in his New York City studio to learn how to create a pop-up card. He explains all the hard work that goes into creating a moveable book and that sometimes it can even take over a year to complete. Next he shows Euphrozenia how to make a simple pop-up card using card stock or construction paper. I could not believe all the beautiful detailing of his books. They are absolutely amazing!
There is even contests to spark the artistic skills of the children such as “Iron Man Visits Your Library Contest.” The contest is for students kindergarten through eighth grade. They can submit an illustration or writing of their favorite super hero or even create their own. Prizes consist of a visit from Iron Man, Pizza Parties, Adventure Book sets, and more! In the “Kids Corner” there are several other contests that are available to enter.
I really like and Kylie found it to be extremely interesting. I decided to help her create an account so she can explore the website more and possibly submit her own video.
Oh I almost forgot to add that is FREE!
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Hi! Just saw your blog on the Follow Me board on Mom Blog Club. Can’t wait to start reading your blog!
You have an award for your blog…:)
Welcome to the Follow Me Club! Thanks for adding yourself to my follow list – I’ve added myself to your list!
My kiddos are still a little too young for the site you posted about but I think it’s a wonderful idea!!! Hopefully it’ll still be around in 3 more years when my preschoolers are ready for it!
I just saw that I’m on your blogroll. How cool! Are you following me already? If that’s the case then you won’t have to follow me back which is where I just came from (MBC Follow Club). So nice to find you and see we have a number of likeminded traits.
I look forward to your blog posts!
Sincerely, a fellow happy hippy mom 🙂
Hi, I am from the follow me club. I am following you. I look forward to your updates. Donna
Thanks for the tip I’ll be sure to check it out. I love educational sites. 🙂
Let me introduce myself.
Hi my name is Betty,
I’m a new Follow Me member from the Mom Bloggers Club and I’m now following your blog. 🙂