I received some bloggy awards from some very kind, sweet,and talented bloggers and it’s long over due for me to pass them on. I have never been good at playing by the rules. I rather like to make up my own rules as I go along. With that being said I am passing on the Lemonade Award to all of my followers for showing great attitude and the Uber Award to all of you for enduring my long lengthy posts. You are truly AMAZING and inspire me!
Bloggy Awards
Copy the two Awards and place them on your blog! If you like, you can play by the rules and pass them on to 5-10 blogs that you find amazing and show great attitude and/or gratitude.
The I Heart Your Blog award I am going to play by the rules (can’t be a rebel all the time) and pass it on to 5 blogs that I Heart.
1. Of Mice And Ramen
2. It’s Me Betty
3. It’s a Beauty Filled Life
4. Shabby Chicks
5. Country Mouse City Mouse
Please follow and like us:
Congrats on your awards! 🙂
And thank you so much, you are so very sweet, in a rebel type way. lol 😉
As proof that I’m a big fan of your blog, here’s something for you.
The rules:
1. Leave a comment or an email for your favorite blogger
telling them that you are a fan of the site.
2. Feel free to snag the image code to either present to your blog friend or post on your site
when it is awarded to you.
3. When you receive more than one fan, put the number of fans you have received under the image.
4. The more fans you receive=the better!
Grab the fan pic from my sidebar
Congratulations on your awards! And thank you for passing them on to me! I am so excited!
Thank you Veronica!
Following from MBC….congrats on your award!c
That is awesome! I haven’t had that one yet. Thank you for thinking of me.