5 Minutes For Mom is having a HUGE Mother’s Day giveaway! Today is the last day to enter so hurry! The prizes are…
Mother’s Day 2009 Giveaways
- Crock-Pot® Smart-Pot® Slow Cooker
- Mother’s Day Bouquet from Teleflora
- $300.00 gift card to The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
- Pride and Prejudice: Blu-Ray Edition AND a Blu-Ray player
- HP Mini 1000 XP Edition
- Kodak EASYSHARE W1020 Wireless Digital Frame with Home Decor Kit
- $50 gift cards to Stop and shop and Giant
- Charm Jewelry from Things Remembered
- WomenHeart’s All Heart Family Cookbook
- $50 Macy’s Gift Card
- Hearts and Berries Edible Arrangement
- Elliot Lucca Ellene Satchel
- Toshiba Portege A600
- Coach Parker Hippie Purse
- Kodak EASYSHARE M380 Digital Camera
- iHosa Chunei Baby Carrier
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What an awesome, generous Mother’s Day giveaway contest!
Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day! 🙂
I totally agree with Rebecca Ness.
Thanks for the tip! Hope your Mother’s Day was awesome!
Is this giveaway still going on? If so count me in!