With summer underway its time to start thinking about protecting yourself from the buzzing blood sucking pests. Instead of spraying yourself with poisons why not try an all natural insect repellent? The essential ingredients in this homemade insect repellent have been shown to keep the nasty little biters far, far, ————–>far away. However, if you are in the deep woods or in an area of a high rate of mosquito-transmitted diseases, such as West Nile, you may need a stronger protection.
This repellent is not recommended to be used on small children or infants.
15-20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
15-20 drops lemon essential oil
15-20 drops lemongrass essential oil
15-20 drops citronella essential oil
1 ounce olive oil
In a small spray bottle, mix the essential oils with the olive oil. Use as needed.
Awesome I will definitely have to try this.
I have never thought of making insect repellent! Great idea.
I Love it!! I can’t wait to get started.
Ooohhh good info! I hate bug repellent!
(thanks for visiting & following me. =) )
Oooo! I’m going to have to try this! Bug repellent is just so ‘chemically’ – for lack of a better term! – this sounds so much better! 🙂
Thank you so much for this share! I am so gonna have to try it.
Is it okay if I share it with the moms on my web site?
ps I want to follow your site
how do I do that?
I Chris! Thank you for stopping by Ahappyhippy Mom’s. Your more than welcome to share it with the moms on your site.
Thank you again
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