Have you tried the Purex Complete 3–in–1 Laundry Sheets? I tested the innovative product back in August ( review located here) and have been using the cool light weight sheets ever since. I LOVE them! The sheets are loaded with enough detergent to get your clothes clean and smelling wonderful. Plus, each powerful sheet contains softener, and anti-static too! There is no need to buy multiple bulky bottles or having to pour sticky messy detergent so it makes your laundry task faster and simpler.
Another great feature is that the packaging has less of an environmental impact compared to other laundry detergent brands. The Purex Complete 3-in-1™ Laundry Sheets Refill has 43% less packaging and uses less water. If every American bought just one Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheet Refill instead of one bottle of liquid detergent, we could prevent the equivalent of 91 million detergent bottles from being dumped in the landfills.
Get your free 2 pack sample of Purex Complete 3-in-1!
I try and give my readers news as fast as I get it, because I want you to get the best jump on product freebies and deals. Next week a huge national marketing effort will be kicking off and Purex Complete 3-in-1 will be offering free samples to the public to allow them to try it and see how “This Sheet Works”. The campaign will be announced via TV and Magazine advertisements therefore the limited supply of samples are going to go quick! You can sign up NOW to try the sheets before the campaign is launched. How AWESOME is that?
Go to www.trypurex.com and request your free sample. You will receive your sheets by mail within 6-8 weeks. Limit one per household. Offer available to US residents only.
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I love these laundry sheets. They work so well and are so easy to use. No mess!