Don’t forget to turn your lights out at 8:30pm this Saturday for an hour to make your stand against climate change! If you have time to capture the moment with your video camera or camera you can upload your videos and images and have them displayed on the homepage of Here is how (instructions from…
Upload your photos:
Upload your videos:
Tweets and blog posts: use the tag ‘#earthhour‘ to help find your post
1. Upload your photos to your own Flickr account
2. Join our group:
3. Add your photos to the group
4. To help identify where they come from, please name and tag the photos with:
‘Earth Hour, Earth Hour 2010, your city, your country’
1. Upload your videos to your own YouTube account
2. Add your videos to
3. To help identify where they come from, please name and tag the videos with:
‘Earth Hour, Earth Hour 2010, your city, your country’
Tweets and Blog Posts
“Let us know what is happening in your area and what you are doing on the night on Twitter and, if you have one, on your own blog. Use #earthhour for your tweets and tag your blog posts ‘earth hour’ so that we can easily find your posts. Follow @earthhour on Twitter to receive updates from around the globe across the duration of Earth Hour.
By following these steps, you can easily share your Earth Hour experience with the rest of the world and truly be a part of the greatest mass participation event in history.”
Ecofriendly dates for everyday citizens is an excelent way to make global warming a thing of the past. Earth Hour is such a big step, thanks for sharing it.