The Aquafina FlavorSplash “Flavor Of The Week” is lemon and WOW is it ever refreshing! It has a very light lemony taste and is wonderful served over a tall glass of ice with a slice of fresh lemon.
To celebrate this week’s flavor and the beautiful hot summer weather, I thought I would share an easy sun streaking rinse recipe. This is a natural method that provides sheen to tired looking hair. People with light-colored hair will find the hair dressing helps give them honest-looking highlights they normally might pay $30 to get at a salon. Save your money and try this recipe first! Let the sun do all the work!
Sun Streaking Rinse Recipe
Juice of 1 lemon
2 teaspoons chamomile tea
In a small bowl, mix the lemon juice and tea. To achieve highlights, use a small plastic cap and poke some small holes in it. Or you could use an inexpensive straw hat with lots of holes. Pull strands of hair you would like to lighten through the holes with a crochet hook.
Saturate the strands with the rinse. Sit in the sun for 1 hour.
How easy is that? Don’t forget to apply your sunscreen if your planning on sitting in the sun!
“I am a participant in a Mom Central campaign for Aquafina FlavorSplash and have received various FlavorSplash samples to facilitate my participation. Mom Central will send me a gift card at the end of the program.”