I just received this email from the Center for Biological Diversity and I’m fuming with disgust! When are they going to take full responsibility for this mess and clean it up without killing more innocent wildlife? NOW they are accused of burning endangered sea turtles and other marine creatures in “burn fields” in efforts to cleanup the spill. UNACCEPTABLE! I signed the petition to stop them along with the current 18849 signatures on the growing list. Make your voice heard and sign the list too! Let them know this is a heinous act that needs to be STOPPED!
Reports keep coming in from locals in the Gulf and stories on NPR and in The New York Times — endangered sea turtles are being burned alive as part of BP’s careless oil spill cleanup efforts.
This is unacceptable. These rare, important turtles are becoming trapped in the oily surface of the Gulf and then torched by cleanup crews in “controlled burns” of corralled oil — any wildlife caught inside the corral are literally burned alive.
And it’s illegal: As protected species under the Endangered Species Act, anyone responsible for killing a Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle — the turtle most affected by the Gulf oil disaster — is liable for criminal penalties including prison time and civil fines of up to $25,000 for each violation.
Take action right now and send this to all your friends. Tell BP to stop torching endangered sea turtles. The turtles should not be burned alive in the process of cleaning up the oil spill that’s already destroying their habitat. We can stop it and get the turtles out of harm’s way with your help.
Click here to find out more and take action.
*quoted from Center for Biological Diversity
Wow~ This is astounding! Another loss in this tragedy that is taking place in the Gulf of Mexico. So much damage and too many days into it……..
Thanks for getting this out there! Tweeted it out!
There are laws that protect endangered species. I hope hunting and killing of endangered species stops before it is too late to save them.