Should you be looking to pull together a piece for Back to School with solutions on how to better REUSE, or pack a non-toxic waste-free lunch look no further. Kids Konserve is just this solution, we educate families and schools on waste reduction with our non-toxic, non-leaching, waste-free lunch kits and other reusable food storage items.
As we approach our 2nd Anniversary we are proud of the differences we have been making in educating families and schools to go waste-free with our eco-chic, reusable waste-free lunch kits, leak-proof stainless steel containers, food kozy (reusable food wraps), stainless steel bottles and insulated lunch sacks made from 8 plastic bottles. Others have taken note too!
Entrepreneur Magazine October 2009
Body + Soul Magazine March 2010
View from the Bay Pregnancy & Newborn April 2010
Bon Appétit May 2010
Won the 2009 Eileen Fisher Grant!
What’s new?
The Food Kozy that bags the baggies made their first trade show appearance at the Natural Products Expo West. The reusable food wraps are now available in 2 paks and in two new colors, magenta and mud.
The Kids Konserve Resident Chef is a new monthly feature that challenges chefs across the country to design recipes specifically tailored for a Kids Konserve reusable, waste-free product. You don’t want to miss these recipes! Plus FREE Lunch Sack with purchase (coupon code “chef”).
Win a FREE Kids Konserve Reusable Lunch Sack
August 1, Kids Konserve and Annie’s kicks off their “Being Green is Better” campaign. Visit to win a FREE Kids Konserve Reusable Lunch Sack.
SAVE 10%
10% Back to School coupon code for all. Enter coupon code: “BTS” valid through August.
*Guest article by Christy A.
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