I love this ad and wanted to share it! The words are inspiring and gives us girls with rounder posteriors a positive voice. Not everyone can be a size 0 and we shouldn’t be made to feel less for it. “My butt is big and thats just fine!” Thank you Nike for coming up with such an ingenious advertisement!
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That is NOT a big butt. The model in the ad has a great figure!
I think she does too! BUT she is strong looking and not a stick figure which helps give young girls (my teen) a positive message that its ok not to be skinny.
I agree with you. A positive message for being fit and not a typical model (super tall, skinny, with no muscle tone). Definitely a step in the right direction.
That’s great! But, yea…I wish my butt was that “big”. 🙂
She is Beautiful!! Lovbe her BUTT wish mine was that nice…=(
Interesting idea, but two things ruin it for me. The crudeness of the kiss my butt line, and the misspelling of ambassador. Glaring mistake considering how much they must have spent on the ad. I still don’t feel compelled to buy Nike shoes.
I thought “embassador” was misspelled as well, but, it’s actually not. I might add, I like the ad, but as a guy I feel a tad uncomfortable commenting on the details. 🙂
Definition: Embassador
1. A diplomat of the highest rank; accredited as representative from one country to another.[Wordnet]
2. A minister of the highest rank sent to a foreign court to represent there his sovereign or country.[Websters]
3. An official messenger and representative.[Websters].