I have one word to describe this video- EWWWWW! Please do not watch it if you have a weak stomach, because the sight of the long disgusting clog is rather gross . I couldn’t believe the size of the giant hair strand and it was so bizarre I had to share. Plus, the reaction of the guy who was unclogging the drain was priceless! I’m not sure if he was doing a review of the Zip-It tool or just video taping his do-it-yourself method of a clog removal. But whatever the case, he sure did get a surprise!
I think it was taller than me! What was bathing in that tub – Sasquatch?
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SO gross! But I have seen that come out of my drain a few times! That’s why I like keeping my hair shorter lol 🙂
Oh Yuck! I couldn’t watch it but I can just imagine! I hate pickign the little bit of hair out after each shower. It really grosses me out big time blech!!
Um…yuck! Don’t think I wanna clean my drains anytime soon.
hmmm i don understand people who do not clear the drainage hole aafter each shower. Speaking of some tenants of mine. haha.
EEuuwww!! I think it was enhanced for the commercial but it doesn’t take long for hair to build up ((shudder)) I am normally the only who cleans out the shower & bath drains… hubby does it if there is a blockage. It as only the two of us now, so not as bad as when the boys where home… when we moved here & they had their own bathroom (shared) I made them clean it!
Ewwww . . . that’s why cleaning the drains is (and always will be) my husband’s job!
I can’t stomach to watch, but stuff like that is exactly why the hubby’s in charge of drains. Blek!