I was reading through the Hickory Farms Giveaway comments (yes, I read every one of them) and was impressed by all the great holiday traditions plus fabulous ideas shared. Then I come across a comment from a reader who wrote “One year I was stunned to see that there were as many adult presents as kid presents. And this is all for people who don’t want or need anything, complain about having to do Christmas shopping, nag me for ideas about what to get everyone else, and one particular person who thinks quantity is more important that quality, so she buys out the Dollar Store and gives us all of that.” Hmmm…this sounds very familiar. I think I might know the gift giving offender! The problem is some people become overwhelmed and lose sight of what is truly important during the holidays and just want to get the task out of the way . Have you ever heard the ever popular saying ” it’s the thought that counts?”
I’ve compiled a list of what I believe is proper gift giving etiquette to live by. I follow these rules to try and stay off the holiday schmuck list and wish other friends plus family members would too. It might just seem like a gift, but the action of “giving” leaves a lasting impression to set the upcoming year. The list is simple common sense, yet there is always one special person who commits the ultimate gift giving crime and becomes the talk for years to come. PLEASE don’t be that person!
1. Quantity Is NOT Quality. I would rather receive one quality gift worth remembering than 20 thoughtless Dollar Store items. NOTHING is wrong with stuff from the Dollar Store, BUT over doing it just looks junkie.
2. Regifting -THE ULTIMATE OFFENDER! So you want to get rid of the nasty tie or scarf your slightly deranged relative gave you and decide to regift it. If you don’t like it what makes you think someone else is going too? Your better off donating it to a thrift store. The biggest problem with regifting is people tend to hold onto items for too long and then forget who gave it to them. Then they end up regifting to the same person who originally gave the present in the first place and become the ULTIMATE GIFT OFFENDER.
If you do decide to regift make sure it’s outside your circle of friends and family. You don’t want to have your Auntie Betsy seeing the scarf she gave you wrapped around your cousin’s neck. Hurt feelings are sure to follow.
3. Don’t Buy Cubic Zirconia And Try Passing It As Real Diamonds. Men…. I beg you NOT to do this! You will always be found out and it can be a catastrophic embarrassment for you and possible relationship wrecker. Women are smart and we can tell the difference of genuine diamonds compared to cubic zirconia. A simple transparency test will tell us if your trying to pass off a phony baloney. Stay within your means and dazzle us with your thoughtfulness instead of your make believe checkbook.
4. Remove The Clearance Sticker! I love being frugal and will shop for good deals. Who doesn’t? Although, it’s smart to remove the clearance sticker from the bottom of the gift you found on the bargain rack. Being thrifty is clever, but looking cheap is tacky!
5. It’s A Gift Not A Gold Bar. Wrapping a gift with packing tape like its a gold bar from Fort Knox is nonsense. There is no reason to go overboard with tape and make the person opening the gift sweat bullets! A few pieces go a long way. OH…and if you use tissue paper…please don’t use the whole package on one gift with a box of tape. YUCK!
6. Leave The Edibles To the Professionals. I LOVE receiving yummy Christmas cookies as a gift. HOWEVER, if your cookies come out of the oven resembling hockey pucks they are better left for the ice. If you can’t bake please leave the edibles to the professional cookie makers. Stomachaches are not on most peoples holiday wish lists!
7. Don’t Be A Downer. I really want to stress this rule, because there is someone I know that finds the holiday season the perfect opportunity to include a major downer note with EVER gift they give. If you have had a hard year and life has given you a dozen lemons don’t pass on the sourness to your loved ones. Leave it for another day and lets be thankful for what we do have this season.
8. Gifts Better Left In The Bedroom. Ummm…I’ll try to keep this rated PG as possible. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave the sexual gifts ONLY for your significant other. Grandma might be frisky, but its very inappropriate to surprise her with something from the porn store. Don’t go down in history for being the freaky relative who shocked Grandma in 2010 and gave her a heart attack.
9. Give Gender Appropriate Gifts. I think this rule is pretty self explanatory. Most likely your nephew Jimmy doesn’t want a doll for Christmas. A nice new Hot Wheels car or Mattel truck would be a better fit for him.
10. Toys For Children. Clothes Are Better Left In The Closet. Avoid the disappointing looks from children on your shopping list by giving them a toy instead of clothes. A child would much rather unwrap a shiny new toy to play with than a hand knitted sweater. It might have taken you days to knit it with lots of love intended, but kids look forward to Christmas all year long to get that one hot toy they have seen advertised on TV for months.
Remember this fun quick poem written by my daughter to keep you off the holiday gift giving schmuck list for 2010.
Gift Giving Poem
Through out the Christmas season
We give without reason
Some gifts rise to the top
And others fall with a flop
Quality over quantity is the proper way to gift
Not to go to the dollar store and buying what ever you can lift
Make a gift special by giving it from your heart
Not giving one that requires an extra part
Wrapping paper that’s fun and bright
Is always nice but don’t wrap too tight
Its oh so sweet when your love gives jewelry
But please make sure its real and not just tomfoolery
Cookies and succulent treats are full love
But if you can’t cook don’t go over the above
If given a gift from long ago, not knowing from were it came
Make sure not to gift it to the person that gave you the same
Those that give the present are giving
Those that receive it aren’t forgiving
To stay safe from Christmas troubles and family duels
Simply follow these gift giving rules
by Kylie J
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Excellent advice! Love the one about shocking Grandma LOL! I don’t *totally* agree with the toys vs. clothing one though. My kids are always asking for clothes (you know what I mean, the $95 Nikes that they just HAVE to have or they will just DIE). Clothes are definitely on their list of wants – along with the gifts they have been begging for all year long too!