When I was in my 20’s I had a very bad experience at the hairdresser’s and it scared me from ever getting my hair professional styled plus cut ever again. The woman gave me a kinky perm and kept the solution on too long. My hair ended up badly damaged and had the consistency of mashed potatoes. Trying to salvage what was left of it, she decided to cut away as much of the burnt hair as she could. My long beautiful hair was turned into a short hair style that resembled a frizzy Q-tip. I was mortified, since I helped manage an officer’s prestigious establishment and it was imperative I maintained a professional appearance at all times. Going to work and rubbing elbows with VIPs while looking like a punk rocker was out of the question! Needless to say, I had to figure out a way of trying to make my ugly hairdo look presentable and it wasn’t easy. I felt very self-conscious and my confidence level took a serious nose dive. Thank God hair grows back! Nevertheless, I have avoided returning to the salon like it was the black plague and have managed to cut my own hair over the years.
Recently I was browsing the Internet to find an easier way of cutting long layers and stumbled upon the CreaClip. The hair cutting little miracle was created by a professional hairdresser named Mai Lieu. Mia has over 15 years experience in the beauty industry and won more than 7 first-place international hairdressing awards. In 2008 she was recognized in Cambridge’s Who’s Who as one of the top 4 business women chosen out of 500,000 businesses and has advanced training with well known top Academies under Vidal Sassoon, Toni & Guy, Sebastian and Wella. She wanted to help her clients keep their hair looking fantastic between visits and invented a tool to allow them to evenly trim their bangs, cut layers, and get rid of split ends simply at home. Hence, the CreaClip was born!
WOW, knowing how many times I have cut my own hair and had to go back and straighten the ends due to mistakes, I knew I had to have the CreaClip! Plus, my daughter was begging me to cut her hair and give her long layers, but I was apprehensive until I could find a foolproof method. However, I have to be honest. I was rather nervous ordering the CreaClip, because I wasn’t sure how long it would take to arrive and I didn’t want to wait weeks before being able to use it. Sometimes you order things online and it can take close to 30 days to receive it depending upon where it is being shipped from. I didn’t want that to happen! I purchased it at CreaClip.com on March 1st for $29.99 (not including shipping) and it was delivered on my doorstep March 5th! VERY FAST SHIPPING!
The package includes 1 small CreaClip for bangs along with a large CreaClip for long hair and layers. Each clip is made of Polypropylene and Stainless Steel making it durable. It should last for years! On the inside of the clip contains teeth which evenly comb and distribute the hair for perfect results. The teeth also help secure the hair in place which allows you to view the desired length and free your hands for scissors. The outside is equipped with a cool rotating leveler giving you a precise and perfect cut every time. You can simply switch the leveler to create angle cuts, side bangs, and countless professional looking hairstyles!
I tried the long CreaClip on my daughter’s hair. I made sure her hair was free from snarls and completely dry. Next I checked that the level was aligned horizontally straight on the body of the clip and clipped it onto her hair. Then I slid it down to the desired length and adjusted the clip making sure the bubble was in the middle of the leveler. In the final step I cut her hair with the trimmers and trimmed the back using the clip so it was completely even. PRESTO, a beautiful and perfect haircut within a few minutes! I quickly styled her hair with a large curl iron to give it some body and she looks fabulous!
You know I’m all about being frugal and I believe the CreaClip is an amazing tool which can save you hundreds of dollars while giving professional results in the comfort of your home. No more waiting for appointments at the salon or holding your breath wondering if your hair is going to be cut to short! Your in control of your own hair length and style! No matter if your hair is long, short, curly, straight, thick, or thin…the CreaClip should work for you! It’s also perfect for traveling or taking along on business trips when you might need a quick trim. LOVE IT!
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This would be great for my niece. She has been cutting her own hair for years. Sometimes she goes to a salon too.
Your daughter looks great!
Every time I look at your blog I think you and your daughter are so pretty! Anyway, I gave up on long hair years ago. I guess I’m too lazy now to deal with it. Someday you’ll cross over to short hair and discover the joy of not having it blow in your face when you’re outside, or fall in your face every time you look down. But anyway, if I had looked as pretty as you with your golden tresses, I’d still have long hair. And, I sure wish I’d have had this clever device and a friend to cut my hair for me when it was long. I would have loved this back then.
Thank you Susan and Cat! You gals are way too kind and I appreciate your comments!
The CreaClip works great on short hair too. Whats wonderful is once you get the hang of using it you can create all different types of hairstyles. It’s really a nifty little tool to have around and makes a good gift for the college student or senior citizen in your life who can’t always afford to get their hair professionally cut.
Wow!! That looks great!! It sounds confusing but I’m sure it makes more sense if you have it in front of you. I am going to seriously consider purchasing this for my daughter and I!
Wow thank you so much for this amazing review!! I was just googling CreaClip and I came across this. Thank you so much for sharing. I love it.
This will help so many families out there !
This is a great invention. I am very intrigued by it. It is great that a simple idea can help so much. Thanks for the review.
I purchased a Creaclip last year and think it’s the best thing ever. Like you I don’t trust hairdressers with my long hair either and preferred to cut it myself. With the Creaclip, it makes it faster and easier. Saves a whole lot of money too.
Wow! CreaClip could definitely help me! I cut my hair wrong all the time. Your daughter has a great head of hair.
whoa… didn’t know something like this existed. I’ve yet to find the perfect stylist and hate getting my hair cut too… and the creaclip looks GREAT to use for a trim or to trim the bangs that grow out annoyingly faster than the rest of your hair. Need to check it out! it’ll save me so much salon $$$$$!! Your daughter is beautiful and her hair looks great! :)*
This would be great to have around. I’m always trimming those annoying ends myself but have trouble getting things even. This would help eliminate the time I spend trying to get everything even.
Hi Mai! Thank you for stopping and commenting! The CreaClip is such an awesome invention and my family loves it! Thank you for creating it!!!
I’ve never seen this before! It looks and sounds amazing. My daughter and I both would love it.
OH MY GOD! I’ve never heard of this before! I have long hair, and I am always in need of a trim. Guess what I’m running out to order? Your daughter’s hair looks great!
It would be perfect for my daughter. She would love it.
Oh gosh, this is what I have been looking for to help me with my hair. Thanks for the review!
WOW i want this! I could save so much money on hair cuts! I’m surprised it really works. I’ve actually heard about it, but I thought it just a silly tv gimmick.
This sounds perfect for me. I had a bad experience with some hair cuts to, from my Mom cutting my bangs, cutting again and again to get them straight glad I moved up, but still experenced bad perms and cuts. But my worst cut was right before my high school graduation. Didn’t want to but went to cut my almost down to my knees hair a little shorter, Worst to Worser finally left with hair so short you could tell I had an hair under my cap. I will definetly check this out and my husband can cut it for me…
My friend cuts hair for all her family. I will tell her about this since I think it would be great for her. thanks for the info.
You look fabulous! :]
I am glad it works, because I dislike promsing products that turns out to be a fraud like shamwow. :'[
I might try this! Thank you for the review!
This is so great!!! I could definitely use a product like this to save money on expensive haircuts. Thanks so much for sharing!
Looks like a good product, that i could really use. Thanks for the review, I’m going to check it out.