“We’ve all been there, on one side or the other. At the grocery store in the produce aisle. Maybe you’re at the cleaner’s waiting to pick up a blouse. Or maybe you’ve just stopped for a coffee to get you through your afternoon. Wherever you are, it can happen anytime: a temper tantrum. Maybe your child is tired and cranky, and just wants to go home. Maybe you’ve been in such a rush all day, you forgot to bring a snack to tide him/her over. Whatever the case, your child is having a bad day and wants everyone to know it. How embarrassing! Club Mum’s Mommy Blogger Heather Spohr knows what it’s like. She’s been there when the meltdown starts, and has recorded this quick video tip for when your child runs out of gas. Check it out here on Club Mum:”
“Do you have any special insights for when your children throw fits in public? What techniques do you use to calm them down or to defuse the scene? Come hear what other mothers are doing when it happens, and let us know your secrets for managing a tantrum!”
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My three year old had a serious meltdown in the middle of BJ’s coffee aisle last Saturday. Out of no where, he just started screaming in the cart and hitting himself. Holey cow what the heck happened? The worst part was there was this elderly woman looking at me like …are you going to do something about it. I seriously felt crippled and wanted to crawl underneath the grocery pallets. I am so bad when it comes to dealing with screaming tantrum fits at home and my husband says I actually encourage the behavior, because I coddle my son, and hug plus kiss to calm him down. I think hubby is correct, but can’t stop myself. However, in the middle of a public place I’m not sure how to deal with such an irrational display of anger and I feel myself entering panic mode. My daughter never pulled this stuff and my son seems to be the master of tantrums.
He finally just stopped screaming all on his own, but caused a real embarrassing scene in the process. The hitting himself in the face was the scariest and I’m not exactly sure if I should be overly concerned with such odd toddler actions. I swear I need the “Supernanny” Jo Frost to come to my home and whip me into parenting shape! HELP!!!
Heather Spohr from Club Mum had some really good advice on how to avoid public tantrums. I always try and make sure he is well fed and rested before leaving home, but there are those times he just spurts out no matter what. Leaving the store when I have a cart full of groceries isn’t an option, so how do I calm him down without rewarding the behavior? Giving him a toy to distract him seems like a good idea, yet it also encourages him to behave like a beast if he knows he is going to get something fun in return for acting out. Pleassssssssssssse tell me he will grow out of this stage quickly!!! What would you do?
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Wow! Been there! My oldest (now 20) used to bump his head when we grew angry. It was horrifying. Docs said to ignore it and I did. Eventually, he stopped – drove lots of bystanders crazy, but he stopped.
Now, he’s a well-adjusted college student with a 4.0 average. Has not given me one day of trouble. So, it worked out well. 🙂
Hang in there. It really does get better without spanking, caving or going nuts. Now, I’m on kid number #2 – a four year old. Really!
BTW, I’m one of your followers. Hope you’ll check me out at TheBusyChick.Com. 🙂
Will be back soon!
Thank you Teri for the comforting words!!! I can’t even begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. I love him so much and just scared I’m creating a spoiled monster.
LOL! I see you spaced your kiddos out too! My daughter is 14 and I swear it’s like starting all over again with my son. Children should come with manuals!