In 2006 I had an ultrasound that revealed a 3.5cm fluid filled cyst that wouldn’t resolve. I was all set to have it removed until I felt like I just should wait a few more months to see if it would dissolve on its own. My Ca-125 was only 3, had no pain at the time, and I didn’t think something so small would warrant surgery quite yet. Thank GOD I waited, because the gynecologist who was going to operate on me never checked if I was pregnant and sure enough…I was prego with my son and probably would have lost him.
Fast forward, almost 4 years ago when I delivered my precious boy via c-section the cyst was still there. HOWEVER, the obstetrician said it looked like a simple cyst and left it. Sigh…I’m not sure why he didn’t want to remove the cyst. It was about the same size as before and persisted throughout the whole pregnancy.
Back in November 2010 I was having some pain and went in for my yearly exam. The same ob/gyn who delivered my son ordered another ultrasound to check out what was going on. The 3.5 cyst had grown to be 4.4 x 5 cm and still looked just fluid filled without any separations or solid masses. I was told by the technician the doctor would call me after reviewing the results, because he was going to probably want to take it out due to the size. Umm…two weeks later no call from the doctor, so I called his office several times and NO ONE returned my call. I thought he must have just wanted to still keep an eye on it with repeat ultrasounds and he wasn’t calling since no further action needed to be taken.
March 2011 the pain started to increase along with the feeling of being bloated with pressure under my rib cage. I can’t stand or walk without feeling pain in the left side where the cyst is. I’m also getting a hot sensation down my left leg like someone poured hot water down it. This has been happening for MONTHS.
Two weeks ago I called the doctor AGAIN to make another appointment to see what was going on. He informed me that his freaken staff never showed him the prior ultrasound and immediately ordered another one. The transvaginal ultrasound showed the same fluid filled cyst, but now it was 6.3 cm. He then ordered a CA-125 which came back elevated at 49 and wants to do a mini-laparotomy to remove the growth . I’m still waiting for the OVA1 test results and scared to death this is cancer even though the cyst is fluid filled with zero separations. If the test comes back positive he said he won’t do the surgery and wants me to see a gyn oncologist instead. This means more waiting and anxiety of the unknown!
I’m going crazy thinking about having the surgery and having severe panic attacks! Not to mention the pain is driving me crazy and I’m a serious basket case thinking I won’t see me beautiful children grow up.
Anyone out there have any experience with ovarian cysts and the Ca-125? I find out tomorrow the OVA1 test results and have a feeling it will be high because the ca-125 is already elevated. HELP!
Ive had ovarian cyst since I was 12 but hasnt needed surgery yet. I will pray for u and hope it gets better, i love your blog”
I have not had an ovarian cyst, but I did have a precancerous “spot” on my cervix about 12 years ago…I had cryosurgery to remove it, and have been perfectly fine ever since!
I am sorry you’re in pain, but don’t freak out too much about the surgery! You will be fine!
I don’t have any personal experience with an ovarian cyst but I know how scary waiting for results can be. I’m so sorry you are going through this and I hope you get good news asap.
I have never had ovarian cysts, only fibroid tumors and had total hysterectomy.
I know what you must be feeling because its hard not to, just know that there are people you don’t even know that are praying for you, especially me. I remember people telling me don’t worry unless you know there is something to worry about, (easier said than done). You will be on my mind and in my prayers and I will pass this on to my prayer chain. God will take care of you. God Bless
I had a dermoid ovarian cyst removed about four years ago, along with my oversized uterus. It was the size of a softball, and the doctor told me he never saw anything so cool in his life. It made me happy that I got to get rid of something that was a bother to me that made his day!
No advice, but lots of sympathy and prayers. It drives me crazy to see doctors and their staff screw up like this. It’s their JOB for pete’s sake. Also bugs me how condescending they can be, with the attitude you can’t question anything they say. And I’ve met plenty of snippy receptionists, too. It’s not like walking away from a store where they treat you poorly, and shopping somewhere else. Changing doctors is tough, and time consuming, and they sure make it hard to transfer your charts if you try. Hope you’re keeping detailed notes. I did that for my son’s problem, and put it all in a notebook. One of the many doctors I had to drag him to thanked me, and said it was really helpful to read all the info. I know doctors don’t have the patience (or time) to listen to you recite your health history. One of the many doctors I no longer go to had office visit “notes” that looked like nothing more than endless loops, like doodling. Completely useless to the next doctor I went to. Ask for copies of all the test reports and notes that you can get your hands on. You never know when you’ll need them. Good luck. We’re all pulling for you.
Not sure if you read my post on “The day my daughter was almost taken from me” but yes, I had a HUGE ovarian cyst on my left ovary. To make a LONG story short, they took my ovary and tube taking it out. They did not even need to take my tube and ovary, but did 🙁 Anyways, praying you will have a good outcome and not bad. Praying it is not cancerous and that you will be okay. HUGS mama!!!!!
I don’t know much about ovarian cysts so I can’t give any advice. However, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and kindness!!! I’m still awaiting the test results and holding my breath waiting for the surgery date. The worst part of all this is…I have NEVER been away from my son for more than an hour. I’m just crying hysterically thinking about it and having severe panic attacks. I don’t believe in taking drugs, but this is the time I could really use a Valium! LOL!
I read your story and it was amazing!!! I wish I could be as brave as you!
You have some awesome points! I need to write down my history and get my medical reports. I had a very bad reaction to General Anesthesia years ago and had a difficult time waking up. When I eventually did I had a seizure. It was extremely scary, so I will NEVER get it again meaning I’ll be having a spinal block instead. The anesthesiologist think I’m crazy, and always try to convince me that its ok and I probably had the reaction from something else. Sigh…its very upsetting how the react to allergies.
I know what you mean! I can’t wait to get this thing out and start my life again. I feel like everything is on hold and keep obsessing about the unknown stuff!
Thank you! Is it the same cyst? Cysts are VERY painful when the start to press on other organs and nerves.
I thought about getting a total hysterectomy and still might have to if the cyst is evil. Thank you so much for passing this on to your prayer chain!
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!!
I’m trying to pull up my big girl britches and be brave, but can’t get passed the thought of another laparotomy. When I had the c-section for my son I was just so excited to finally be able to touch him and the surgery took a backseat to that. For some reason this just seems scary and wondering how long the procedure is going to take. My husband keeps telling me everything is going to be ok, but I can see the worries in his eyes. I think I’m driving him nuts!