How was everyone’s St. Patty’s Day weekend? With any luck you’ve recovered from all of the leprechaun green juice and will be ready to enter a bunch of giveaways for the opportunity to win some terrific prizes! However, I really feel it necessary to make a couple of points to any or all the sweepers arriving right here from as well as other contest websites. Over the holiday weekend, I had an individual who thought it was imperative to stop enjoying the festivities to grumble about the concluding time of the giveaways. His message to me was…
“I’m just wondering something. Why are your giveaways ALWAYS over when I get ready to enter them? THIS one stated that it ended on 3/17/2012. I tried entering it just after 1:00 AM EST & it was already over. This was even earlier than I usually attempt to enter because I’m perceiving the trend so I checked it out & sure enough, over! What’s going ON here?!”
I responded kindly (although I’ve got to confess I was marginally annoyed at his implications) that “the giveaways are controlled by Rafflecopter and set to end at MIDNIGHT eastern time. If you are entering at 1:00 a.m. you are too late. Sorry!” Of coarse I assumed this would be the end of it and I would be able to close out the message and get back to the weekend break. Nevertheless, he sent a reply with an additional concern and I feel it important to clarify that I have zero control over the conclusion time of the giveaways…merely the closing date frame. Previously, the giveaways featured at had been powered by myself and I could set the precise ending time, which was typically 11:59 pm. Having said that, I really believe Rafflecopter provides for a much more stable platform for the giveaways along with the procedure for entering being a lot less complicated for my visitors, therefore I changed everything over to using the embedded widget. The sole disadvantage is I have no control over what time during the day the giveaways finish, even so I still find it a far more secure, speedy, and straightforward method of entry. Additionally, the easy entry combined with the randomization of precisely how the winner is selected directly by the Rafflecopter system, is a win win situation for my readers and myself. In my opinion, the Rafflecopter benefits outweigh the minor inconvenience of the inability to regulate the stopping time. What do you think?
Another issue I would like to mention and I’m not endeavoring to personally spank anybody, but giveaways/contests aren’t a right yet a privilege. Remember to treat them as such and respect the websites you enter at. Whenever you visit my website please regard it as if you were entering my home, thus showing a little respect. I devote time here trying to build it to be a pleasurable spot to hang out. At some stage I have intentions of incorporating a discussion board for visitors to voice their concerns or talk about subject matter such as the contests.
The giveaways are here for absolutely everyone to enter providing the guidelines are followed. However, though everyone originating from Online-sweepstakes and other contest listing sites are certainly welcome to enter, the prizes are intended for readers who support this website. If you have a suggestion on how you believe I could improve the site or giveaways please email me. BUT don’t argue with me acting like I’m doing you an injustice because I didn’t cater the giveaway around your timetable. If you ask me this is certainly rude and also a very egotistical action that won’t be viewed highly! Thanks for listening!
I totally agree with you. It is your home and should be treated with respect.
i have never had a problem with your giveaways end my mind..don’t know if i’m alone, but if the giveaway says it ends on the 17th…i think it pretty much is at 12am on the 17th across the board with i sort of in my mind know to enter by the 16th…if people get so crabby/cranky about end times etc, they shouldn’t be entering
I agree entirely with your post. There is an entitlement mentality among some people. There was a contest by meritline a few weeks back, and a lady wrote a very terse message on their facebook wall about how she would never buy their products again because…wait for it… she couldn’t read the CAPTCHA.
Here is another one from arrowhead waters:
Read how unreasonable the people are to the prizes being a few weeks late. People like this cause companies to stop offering giveaways due to the bad PR they get from people who don’t win.
i am a little late at finding your post (considering it is almost easter) but i certainly feel for you. Some people, or rather a lot more people in recent times, have become very self-involved. Expecting, rather than appreciating. Blogging doesn’t occur in your sleep… it takes time and thought with “us” the reader in mind.
You are always going to find people like you encountered. But I will be one of those people that says… keep up the good work! (and I love your easter egg background)