Potty training, a topic very close to me heart and my primary parenting road block to get passed right now! I have arrived at the realization, boys are much more challenging to toilet train than girls! My daughter was out of diapers at a little over 24 months old. Sure, she made her occasional blunders, but she wasn’t a reluctant potty goer like my son. My 4 year old boy doesn’t have difficulty urinating in the potty, with the exception of it’s best to not distract him as he is carrying out his business or he’ll turn and you’ll get a shower. On the other hand, with regards to sitting on the toilet he’ll make every single excuse on the planet to refrain from doing it. I have to use fun games, special character underwear, the potty dance, bribery, and in some cases even begging to get him to go. For whatever reason, he acts like the potty is going to hurt him and creates all sorts of reasons why he don’t want to sit on it. The last explanation was priceless! He informed me his legs wouldn’t work and that he couldn’t walk to the bathroom!
In celebration of June being Potty Training Awareness Month, Pull-Ups created this cool infographic revealing what Moms think about potty training! The infographic includes some excellent recommendations. However, I have to disagree with the moms who think potty training is an easy process. It takes tons of patience, lots of creative ideas, and perseverance! Not every child is ready to be potty trained at the same age and they move at their own pace. Additionally, the more active a child tends to be the more challenging it is going be to get him or her to slow down enough to understand the concept. Potty training is just one of those parenting hurdles all moms and dads have to overcome, but we all do—in time.
I agree with the chart – I think potty training does bring you closer to your child.