Join Mom Central today for the #Choosecartons Twitter Party from 3-4 PM EST to discuss how choosing “green” packaging of food and beverages plays an important role in protecting the environment! Additionally, there is a mention that by participating in the Twitter party you will be helping to raise money for Habitat for Humanity. The non-profit organization is devoted to bringing people together to build affordable homes, communities, and hope.
Date: Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Time: 3:00-4:00PM EST
Hashtag: #ChooseCartons
Moderator: @MomCentral
Assistant Moderators: @StacyDeBroff & @MomCentralChat, @DadCentral & @Choosecartons
Prizes: Six people will win a $50 Amazon gift code during the party. We’ll also be giving away two $50 Amazon gift codes for tweeting before the party.
Pre-tweet to Win!
Anyone who tweets this from now until the #ChooseCartons Twitter Party will be eligible to win one of two $50 Amazon gift codes!
About the party
For more information about the #Choosecartons Twitter Party please go here!