Home and work are two different places and never the twain shall meet or at least that used to be the case. Today, however, there are moms who work at home successfully managing to juggle changing the diapers with earning a living, but it is not the easiest option. Fortunately, women are the ultimate multitaskers and there is plenty that can be done to make working at home simpler.
Be organized
All moms have organization in their DNA, but the work at home variety need elevated levels of the stuff. Everyday domestic chores do not suddenly disappear when home becomes the workplace. Smart moms delegate and share out domestic duties to partners and older children, where possible. Routines and timetables are useful to ensure certain domestic tasks are not overlooked. The freezer is the organized mom’s best friend and preparing tasty and nutritious meals in advance frees up work time. Equally, organization in the home office results in increased productivity, so making sure it runs like clockwork and precious time is not squandered searching for vital items is essential.
Working alongside babies and toddlers
When caring for babies and toddlers, home working can be a real challenge. Establish regular napping routines; it is amazing how productive these short bursts of freedom can be. Small children cannot be excluded from mom’s home office, so ensure it is a safe and secure environment. The more childproof the office, the easier it is to relax and get on with work. Many moms find a small play area, stocked with toys, in a corner of the room, will keep a young child happily absorbed, allowing mom to focus on her tasks.
Make time by employing expert help
Running a business from home is tough, but when time is short it is best to focus on core skills. If complex areas, such as business administration, tax matters and financial arrangements are draining too much precious time, employing the services of an umbrella company can be invaluable.
Multitask within reason
There will less complex work tasks, such as phone calls and emails during the course of a working day that do not require 100 per cent concentration. Try to keep work mobile, so moving from room to room or outside, is possible. Perhaps move out into the garden and allow the children to play there whilst dealing with less demanding issues. Of course, all moms are skilled at involving their children in domestic tasks as a form of play, so preparing lunch together, each day, could be a fun part of the workday routine.
Network with baby
Network with other work at home moms and arrange babysitting swaps to mutual advantage. Trusted neighbors, grandparents and friends are often willing to help mind a child if asked.
Remember the important stuff
Get the balance right and make sure the children receive enough attention. Remember, children who are well fed, well rested and receive sufficient quality time from parents are far less likely to demand attention and will be happier to play independently, making the job of work at home easier. Like the bathroom, the door on mom’s home office is never closed and young children enter at will. Embracing this truth early on will smooth the path to work at home success.
*Guest post by Dave E.
you have some great tips here,thanks for sharing,im sure I can put these to good use,thanks
these are absolutely great ideas, I would love to work from home but I haven’t found a job. I love the idea of preparing food for the week in advance, I’ve never even thought of that.
This is just what I need! I am a work-at-home mom and it’s not the easiest thing to do in the world. In fact, it’s harder than working in a real office because at least there, you don’t have kids screaming for you all the time!
Great tips!! Thank goodness my kids are grown. I had trouble with the better half not always doing what needed to be done but the kids were taken care of which was the important things. Sometimes goals have to be readjusted too!!
Good tips. My issue is multitasking.
Making it mobile is important and a great tip. Children need outdoor activities and if your attached to a desk inside your home this is much harder to do. Wireless maybe your best set up option if you are just starting a new business with young children at home. This was a great tip~!
Love the tips!my two year oLD boy keeps me running and scatterbrained but your tips have helped alot
lots of awesome tips I know in todays day and age you have to spread yourself pretty thin to get everything done and stay healthy..its exhausting!
I don’t know what i’d do if i didn’t know how to multi-task.
I like the tip about using the freezer. I need to remember to do that more – make bigger meals and freeze.