Bright and adventurous eyes, illuminate the room when she waltzes in and a eager tail wiggling when she leaves. This image never fails to put a smile on my face. My beautiful puppy companion, Pepper, is always there to lift my spirits when ominous dark clouds linger above me. A dog may be only just a pet in the eyes of some, but a true owner knows that they are so much more. They are a friend, who will love you unconditionally; they do not care if you were not the cheerleader in high school, that you did not get that promotion you were looking forward too, or even if you have a disability. A dog is more than just a pet, they are family.
Your own puppy friend at home may be helping you more than you even know. Dogs have been known to enhance an individuals daily life by reducing their stress level, calming their pent up anxiety, and even lowering blood pressure. Due to this, they are the perfect little boost for those in need of particular therapy. Their sense of innocence and truth brings comfort to whoever seeks it the most. To honor the amazing dogs that assist with therapy, Cesar has created the Share a Story and Share the Love initiative. This campaign will guarantee that therapy dogs will always be around to give all of their love and affection. Through this campaign you too can give back to our special and helpful friends by sharing your story of when you received the heartwarming attention of a therapy dog through your social media communities such as Facebook and Twitter. In response for all of the encouragement, Cesar is making a generous donation to three therapy dog organizations in order to make sure that their services will forever be available. Share your story now, and help give back to our furry companions!
“I wrote this review while participating in an ambassador program by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Cesar and received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”
i had a dog name ariel she was very special she love the kids so much and morning she would walk the kids to school
I think my dogs lower my blood pressure! I find them so comforting and fun to relax with.
What a great campaign. I have a friend who takes her dog to the nursing home and while the dog gets lots of attention and visits with all the residents she plays her guitar and sings. It’s always a good time for everyone. It’s kind of like therapy for the soul.
love it when dogs can help
that’s a nice campaign. First I’ve heard of it!
i love my dog more then anything!
I still miss my dog named Root Beer that my husband gave me. He passed away about 8 years ago. He was our joy!
Great campaign! I had a lab several years ago that was the best dog. My kids would play with him and he was always so sweet to them. He is greatly missed and I know dogs can be very therapeutic for even little kids who love playing with them.
Great campaign! We love our schichon dog.
I absolutely love this, the dog is precious looking. We had an adopted cat for 20 years…he was definitely family.
i’m glad you wrote about this. pets are special for sure
Yes I do believe pets are wonderful because they help lower blood pressure and calm worried nerves. It is so great that they are training epilepsy and autism dogs to help those in need.
I have 2 furbabies and consider them to be my kids too. I can’t imagine life without them.
Love this promo- my dogs are a huge part of my life, definitely members of the family who are always there for you, no matter what.
that face is so adorable. dogs will always be a big part of our family.
What a cutie. Yes they are wonderful therapy. My Grandmother is in a rest home and they a therapy dog that comes in and they truly lift their spirits
I’ve never been able to have a dog due to my son’s severe asthma’s and allergies. I love to look at other people’s dogs especially their cute little faces .
my daughter has autism and I have read about autism service dogs. I like anyone suffering to get relief any way they can.
I have taken several dogs to visit nursing homes and have always enjoyed doing it. I have not had one certified but we have never had any problems.
This is a wonderful campaign and it will help so many.I think your dog is so cute and I will always and forever
love dogs.They bring light to my world.