Does your child have food allergies? Allergens in food can cause mild to severe symptoms ranging from an irritating itch, hives, to a more potentially life-threatening conditions such as anaphylaxis. In fact, according to The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN), 8% of U.S. kids have been diagnosed with food allergies and every 3 minutes, a food allergy reaction occurs. So, with those high statistics I am sure at least one of my readers out there in the blogosphere has a child suffering with food allergies?
It is ordinary to find peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or products consisting of eggs and wheat in the school as well as the summer camp cafeteria, which undoubtedly raise high concerns with parents who are not able to be with their children at all times. With that being said, there are extremely useful products in the marketplace to help alert grownups of your child’s allergy and remember to not let them eat any products containing the allergen. The products make food allergies less scary for parents and children!
Medical ID Marketplace, a Hope Paige Company, has created a line of new, stylish, and inexpensive medical bracelets for children to remain safe when suffering with food allergies when they are away from home and at camp. These ID bracelets are very fashionable and easily mix in with everyday wear, but during a time of need, will stand out to medical professionals. The bracelets are eye-catching containing fun colors and are available in styles that allow any child to express their personal style with a one-of-a-kind bracelet while staying safe. The products can be found at well-known retailers including Kroger, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Albertsons, Stop-N-Shop, Giant, Bashas, Bi-Lo, Kerr Drug, A&P, Medicine Chest, Brookshire, Amazon, Target, Martin’s, Family Pharmacy, Focus Pharmacy and Price Chopper.
In addition to the bracelets, Hope Paige has created an infographic I would like to share with you illustrating the amount of children suffering from allergies who will be attending summer camp this year. Check it out!
“Medical ID Marketplace is committed to helping people protect themselves without feeling branded by their conditions. Our mission is to combine fashion and function in medical ID accessories to provide our customers with safety and style.”