Is your kitty a little too hefty around the middle? Afraid that cheap auto cat food dispenser you bought at the garage sale is just going to make the obese furball even fatter while you’re on vacation? Don’t fret my pet! Check the chunky mouser in to The Best Little Cat House!
The luxury cage free cat boarding and grooming place is run by Kate and George, two premier cat workout professionals! These two extreme cat lovers look after hundreds of cats a month and have developed a WORK IT KITTY work out program, tailored to whip cats’ sagging fur back into lean mean kitty machines. Watch the video below as buff Banjo, frisky Harley, flawless Fritz, and the rest of the fuzzy team, perform aerobic exercises. Working out to “I Don’t Wanna Dance (feat. Taboo)” by Alex Gaudino at the gym, the energetic group of cats execute difficult moves such as the “Rear Leg Lift,” “Paw Rotation,” Jumping Box Squats,” and the “Ab Cruncher.” And because everyone needs a healthy pick me up after hitting the gym, including cats, these adorable balls of fluff are awarded with Whiskas All Natural Temptations Treats! Purrrrfect!
Seriously, cats need some form of activity to help keep them healthy for a long and happy life. has provided tips to getting your kitty active on the website including:
- Fill a ball with treats and roll it around.
- Hide treats around your house and watch your cat hunt them down.
- Throw a ball back and forth with your friend/spouse.
- Use a laser pointer – your cat will chase that bright red dot for hours.
- Randomly leave treats on garden tables / low walls. Cats love to jump, and it’s a great way to maintain muscle tone. Alternate where treats are left to increase movement and hold interest levels.
My son has a laser pointer and my two cats love chasing the red dot around. However, you have to be careful not to shine the light on someone’s foot or the cat will lay a painful patch trying to catch it! Been there, done that, learned my lesson, and won’t do it again!
Visit for additional information on Temptations Cat Treats, Work It Kitty, and free cool digital downloads of the Work It Kitty team such as desktop wallpapers, animated gifs, calendars, and posters!
“This post is sponsored by Temptations Cat Treats.” Because cats deserve to workout too!
Love the concept of kitty work outs! My last cat wasn’t active because of her age (16) but this would be fun with a younger cat.
Love it! Some great tips here to keep our pets active, though I caution about using the treat ball too much. My cat’s figured out how to lay down and paw it back and forth in front of him until he’s dispensed a treat.
Haha! The video is too funny and the music is pretty awesome too. I know about fat cats as well. We have a tubby 8 year old cat named Marshmallow and we have a hard time getting his chunky butt to move at all. We try to get him to play but he never last too long and now that we’ve cut his portions back he’s even grumpier than ever. He does love the laser pointer pen we have but my son recently lost it. Now it looks like were going to have to get a new one 🙂
I tried these tips at home with both my cat and my dog. My dog couldn’t care less, but my kitty got a nice little workout exploring for treats!
My boy cat weighs about 2 lbs & could benefit from trying some of these!