It’s that time of the year again, school is back in session and kids are hitting the books. As much as many children may be dreading the end of their summer days that lead up to those long dreadful hours spent in the classroom, they are unaware how their younger years in school play a pivotal role in their future. With that being said, it’s important that as a parent, we encourage our children to stay focused and prepare them for their future; adding in spurts of fun of course!
From study groups to tutors, there are countless resources available to parents and children alike to help ensure their educational success, no matter their age. High school students nationwide may be preparing for their PSATs this coming October; with their results being available around December, it gives the student plenty of time to study over their results and study in the areas where they may have been lacking in efficiency. The PSATs have been proven to play an essential role in preparing students for the SATs, which many colleges base their acceptance rate heavily on. A great way for a parent to encourage their child to take the time and effort to practice and prepare for the PSAT as well as the SAT is to take them on college campus tours. Many teens find excitement in being able to actually see the surroundings and lifestyle that come with their college years. This can also get them excited about the idea of college in general. Supporting their choices in their educational future and college preferences is key to create an understanding with our children.
Pressure is one thing that many children and teens find weighing heavily on them in regards to their future and college. There seems to be a heavy amount of stress associated with their decisions and their efforts; because of this, parents should be aware of their children’s workload in order to never implement more than they can handle at such a young age. The fight or flight method tends to become rather relevant in circumstances such as these, when a child/teen feels overwhelmed with the pressure of their future and college decisions, they can tend to put everything off and frankly run away from the idea. With that being said, yes it is important to implement the importance of college and our children’s future, however there are lines that should never be crossed and our children can only be children for so long. Finding an appropriate balance between school and enjoying their youth is essential for a child’s overall success.
*Picture credited to Arjun Kartha at http://arjunkarthaphotog-
it is a lot of pressure for the SATS, i was so nervous before mine, but the key is to get a lot of sleep and study hard!
My son will be taking his PSAT next year, so thank you for this info!!
My stepson will be taking the PSAT this year. Thanks for sharing this so I can help him prepare more for it.
Whoa, where would I have been without Barron’s? Not just the PSATs, but all through my school career, I relied on them and their study guides. Parents, take note! This is a priceless investment in your child’s future!