As people, we do a lot of mistake in our life. Some if it are small and not so important, but some are bigger and has more impact on our lives. Young people are commonly ones who might be doing a lot of mistakes at first. And the job environment can be the number one place where young professionals can go wrong. Want to avoid that? Bellow you will find top three mistakes that some young professionals make. Learn it and do not do it! It will definitely help you keep on track with your career and build excellent reputation too!
Working for money only
Of course, salary is one of the best reasons why we are working. But some young professionals take a little bit too much of their attention to the pay. In fact, the money is just one aspect of things you can take from your job! One of the best things is not only your job experience but the people and connections you make! So if you are going to work just to kill those eight hours a day and get the paycheck – you are making a big mistake. Better make some friends and be an active employee. This way you will learn something, show your dedication and even be noticed by your boss (in a good way!).
Dressing not right
One of the most common mistakes a young professional can make is not to follow your office dress code rules. If your whole office dress in black suits and you come in with jeans and simple t-shirt – you are making a big mistake that can affect your reputation! To avoid that, you should consult with the HR department or just take a look how your bosses dress. Of course, that works then you haven’t noticed the dress code during your job interview. Either way, better play it safe and for the first day come dressed at least at business casual attire. For instance, dark colored jeans paired with nice tailored blazer.
Thinking you know everything
Finally, the third biggest mistake some of young job seekers make is thinking that they already know everything in the job. That is so not true and you should face it already! There are so many small things that you don’t know yet, and some huge ones, that you are taking a risk of looking like a person you thinks too good of himself. Your overconfidence can work in an opposite way you are wishing for! Learn to be OK with not knowing everything, and be open to learning from others. Listen to new ideas others have, hear other people’s advice (even if you don’t take it), and respect everybody. And simply don’t be afraid to show that you don’t know or understand something. This is the only way you can learn a lot and be a real good professional. Good luck!
Amen to that,,you got all three of those right and ill add they dont listen!