You may see your smartphone and other mobile devices as a source of stress: you have to constantly deal with problems at work and read news from around the world that can leave you feeling hopeless. In fact, you could be forgiven for anytime you feel a little anxious and stressed out.
But your mobile devices can also be a great, convenient way to help you relax. There are a lot of apps out there that are specifically designed to help reduce stress and promote a positive attitude that anyone can use to feel less anxious about life. Here are some of the cooler apps that you should check out next time life has you feeling stressed.
Coloring Book for Me & Mandala
Can you think of a better childhood memory than laying around on a Saturday morning and coloring with your favorite crayons? Well, this coloring book app can give you that same, relaxed feeling all over again that you can use anytime you want.
Forget finding the crayons and books: this app gives you all of the fun and relaxation of coloring without the mess. It offers many different designs to color, from geometric patterns and mandalas to wildlife and other living things. The app is constantly updated, so you will never run out of things you can color.
The app also boasts over 25 different color palettes that have eight colors in each, so there are hundreds of colors you can choose from to suit your mood: you can go dark and subdued or you can go vibrant and exciting. The choice is yours!
Attitudes of Gratitude
Sometimes, people feel anxious and stressed out because they may forget about all of the good things in their life and focus on the negative things. This app will help you keep track of everything good in your life so you can refer to it when you’re feeling down.
The app works like a journal. Each day, you write down as many things as you would like to remind yourself of all of the goods things in your life. You can write about friends and family, accomplishments that made you feel good or happy news stories that let you see the good in humanity. Then, anytime you feel anxious, you can refer back to them to feel better.
Whenever you are feeling particularly stressed, taking a few deep breaths can make all of the difference. This app will help you through guided breathing exercises designed to make the stress melt away.
The app will show you how to breathe correctly so that you get the most out of each breath and it will keep track of your results so you know how you’re doing. It provides an exhale/inhale timer so you can follow along at the correct pace, leaving you relaxed and less anxious.
Don’t just look at your mobile devices as a source of stress; sometimes, they can help you relieve the stress as well.
Matthew Connolly is a life coach who had a background as a therapist. He helps people to manage the stresses of daily life and ‘let things go’ so that they feel lighter and happier.
A coloring app sounds very relaxing. That’s an app I’d like to have on my device!
Most days, I wind up thinking my life was better before I had access to facebook, etc. It really can become a big stress causer. It can be a huge waste of time. Sometimes, I just have to say “Nope. Not today.” and turn it all off.