Most of us are looking for ways to spend less every month. Even if you’re in the black, you may wish you had more to put aside each month or spend on little luxuries like weekends away or the odd trip to the movies. Often, we can save more by spending less. You may think that you’re already on top of your spending, but it’s highly likely that there are more steps you can take. Here are fail safe ways to help you reduce your outgoings.
Saving on shopping
If you added up how much you spend on groceries every month, you’d probably be shocked. This is one of the most significant expenditures for most households. Thankfully, there are lots of ways to spend less on shopping. If you can’t resist deals and offers, do your shop online. It’s also wise to plan a menu in advance and order only what you need. Try batch cooking to save money and time. If you do go to the store, try and time your visit to coincide with price drops. If you go towards the end of the day, you’ll often be able to buy more for a lot less. Collect coupons, and use the Internet to compare prices. If you’re buying dog food, for example, you could save a fortune by checking prices at different retailers.
Spending less on gifts
If you’ve got a big family, you may have to factor in the cost of birthday presents on a monthly basis. It can feel like you’re buying an endless stream of gifts, and the cost can soon add up. We all like to buy gifts for our loved ones, but there are ways of getting more for your money. Keep an eye out for flash sales and discounts and consider making your own gifts. If you have lots of sisters, cousins, or nieces, for example, you could make your own bracelets using wholesale silver charms by ELF925. If you’re a whiz with a sewing machine, you could make your own cushions or customize basic tops and give them as gifts. You don’t have to compromise on the quality of level of thoughtfulness to save money. Set a budget, be imaginative and creative, and see what you can come up with.
Reducing energy bills
Do you dread the moment your energy bill arrives? Many of us spend a huge amount of money on running our homes, especially in the winter. Try and save money by avoiding wasting energy, and making sure that you’re getting the best deal from your energy supplier. If you’ve been with the same company for a long time, it’s worth comparing prices. You could save by switching.
Cutting commuting costs
If you’re spending too much on gas, consider switching to public transport or walking or cycling to work. You may not save a great deal on a daily basis, but small savings soon add up over the course of a month or a year.
If you’re keen to save more and spend less, take these simple tips on board.
These are great tips. I coupon and buy in bulk on some things. It does help.
I always price check and get the lowest prices at stores to make sure I am getting the lowest cost on food. I also make sure to watch the energy costs at our house, but that is hard with an elderly parent that is living with me always wanting the heat up high. I just put a heater in his room for the times he gets cold. And I make car trips all together in one day instead of going back and forth.