When your health issues interfere with your fashion choices, people tend to feel a little upset about it. Our fashion choices often show off our style and is a statement of who we are. Being limited is not the best feeling in the world and can contribute to depressed feelings about ourselves due to our health problems. The reality is, we can still be fashionable even when we are dealing with less than stellar health. We may have to make different choices but it’s still doable. So, let’s talk about some ways to adjust your wardrobe to take care of your health while still expressing you as you are.
Socks and Hosiery
While some people don’t think much about their socks or hosiery, once you have a health problem you are certainly thinking about it later. Many socks are made to handle issues like:
- Diabetes
- Varicose veins
- Lymphedema
- Venus Insufficiency
In the past, socks made for these issues have not been the most stylish on the block. The focus has often focused on functionality rather than appearance. However, as people spoke out and more information was provided to manufacturers about the wants of the people, we now have some very cute options. If your local retailers aren’t stocking up on the good-looking socks and hose, hit the internet and find yourself some great looking pairs!
Now, what happens when you end up in a cast? Whether it be your foot, arm, or leg, a cast can be a real difficult accessory to work with. Many casts these days are made with fiberglass and are not nearly as bulky as they once were. They even come in a variety of colors. Do pick out your favorite color, one that you wear the most because it will then be easy to color coordinate.
- Leg or foot cast – look for skirts or stretchy leggings to slip on. Jeans don’t have the give you will need so you can incorporate jeggings or denim looking leggings. And don’t be afraid of wearing a short skirt with your cast. It will dress it up and show off your confidence!
- Arm cast – you will certainly have to forgo any tight sleeved items. Look for flowy loose tops that allow for plenty of room for the cast and give you the look you desire. Tank tops are also a welcome addition to the wardrobe as they are extra easy to wear with your arm cast.
Sassy Toes
Are you in the position of needing orthopedic shoes? Did it make you cringe when your doctor recommended them? No worries! There are now options that can keep you looking fashionable all year long. Ladies, you can still wear those heels you love. Gentlemen, you will be able to choose good looking sandals or casual wear without looking like you raided your grandfather’s closet.
Just because you have hit a roadblock with your health does not mean you must dress in a way that you don’t enjoy. Matter of fact, many people report that it makes them feel better to have their options be like what they are used to. It can help lead you on to a road of better health when you feel good on the outside as you work on your inside.
I’m still looking for a pair of compression socks for my mom that are easy to get on and off. They’re often to tight for her debilitated hands to put on without assistance.
These are great wardrobe building tips.