Stress is often described as an invisible beast that eats away from happiness and your sanity, day after day. There is one important thing that you should know about stress: Everybody suffers from it from time to time. Thankfully, being not on your means that there are plenty of ways to reduce stress, from exercising to counseling. But none of these methods can help you to remove the cause of your stress. Therefore, this article is designed to help you to tackle the four most common causes of stress in your life.
#1. The Unexpected Expenses
The car broke; the boiler needs emergency repairs; your laptop died abruptly, and you’ve realized that it wasn’t under your any insurance cover. Whatever the reason, unexpected expenses are never fun to deal with. While you should always have an emergency fund to face any bad financial surprise, it isn’t always easy to keep sufficient funds. If this is the case, don’t panic, there are ways around it. You could be looking for loans online – as this gives you the fastest response rate – for example. Additionally, juggling with credit card payments can also help you to tackle emergency expenses by spreading the cost over a longer period. Finally, if you have friends and relatives who are ready to help, borrowing money can help you to make ends meet for a time until you can repay them.
#2. The Conflicts In Your Relationships
We are social creatures who are desperate to belong to their community. As a result, people take it badly when they experience difficult relationships, whether it is with your partner, your friends, your relatives, or even your colleagues. Don’t let it ruin your mood. Most relationship issues are caused by a lack of communication, when individuals fail to understand each other’s intentions. It is important to learn to express your frustration in words as clearly and neutrally as you can. Angry and bitter words will not help you through.
#3. The Health Burden
Illness can often feel unfair. Unfortunately, for many, it isn’t a matter of fairness, it’s a matter of getting better. And this can be difficult to manage if you let the illness isolate you or your loved ones. It is important to gather your strengths, especially if you are feeling stressed out by the illness of a relative or a close friend. It is essential that you take care of yourself first so that you can help them to get better. Finding answers to your questions is key: You can’t deal with something that you don’t understand, therefore knowing the way the illness proceeds and the treatment methods is a way of gaining power over it.
#4. The Non-Existent Self-Esteem
Everybody has days where they feel worthless. The I-am-not-enough syndrome is a lot more common than you might think. It is also one of the least justified feelings. You are not worthless; you are not less valuable than others. What you are is silly because you are comparing yourself to others without knowing their stories and their struggles. Just because you think they are better than you doesn’t mean that they don’t have doubts and fears too. So stop comparing. People are all different, and there is no reason to create a picking order. The only thing that is wrong with you is giving your mind such power to destroy yourself. Use it to grow and become a better you instead.
I wish I could say I knew how to handle all of these situations when I was younger. Some cliches come to mind – trite but true – with age comes wisdom and live and learn.