There are many people who are scared of flying, when the mere fact of being up in the air should be one of the most enjoyable experiences ever.
2017 has been a fantastic year for the aviation industry. Not only has it been the safest in record, it has also been a year in which more people flew to more places than ever before. No passenger-carrying jets crashed last year, but flying is still a tricky subject to many, with the experience of being up in the air being incredibly frightening to a large proportion of the population in our planet.
According to a study by Harvard University, your chances of dying in a plane crash are one in two million, as opposed to one in 5,000 if you are travelling by car. As a result, flying remains the safest mode of transportation. The horrifying images of plane crashes we are exposed to by the media, however, trigger emotions in us that lead to many passengers being terribly anxious about flying.
Here are the truths about this exciting mode of transport.
Most aviation incidents are not fatal
Contrary to the belief that most media want to instill upon us, most aviation incidents are not fatal. Planes skid off the runway, lose altitude and experience sometimes unpleasant movement due to unexpected turbulence. Whilst these incidents might be uncomfortable to many, they are still part of the experience of flying and are not in the most part life-threatening. In the 1950s and 1960s, fatal accidents occurred in one in every 200,000 flights. That number is now significantly lower. If you still have disturbing visions every time you are about to get on board a plane, read this guide on how to overcome your fear of flying.
Air travel offers incredibly enjoyable experiences
Thanks to air travel having developed massively since the middle of last century, humans can today take advantage of the great service air travel offers. Aboard the SS United States, a ship that was in service between 1952 and 1969, a trip from London to New York took three days and 12 hours to complete. Today, we can hop on a plane and do the same journey in under eight and a half hours. With private jet companies having also expanded their operations, it is easy for anyone to enjoy the services of the private aviation industry. From business to leisure purposes, many are the companies that have ventured into offering luxury air travel experiences to customers around the world in a safe and reliable manner. Learn more about the developments of air travel throughout history.
Fear cannot stop you from living a life based on freedom
Whilst you might feel uneasy about taking off and landing, as well as about everything else in between these two, it is a fact that fear of flying shouldn’t stop you from living the life you should enjoy. You probably take deep pleasure in exploring the different corners of this beautiful world and if that is the case, feeling anxious during a flight that lasts a few hours shouldn’t be a show stopper. Life is too short to focus on fear, and if you have been postponing that trip in the hope that flying would one day become an easier experience, it is time to ditch this approach and confront your fear. Here are the top destinations that you should visit in 2018.
I used to be afraid of flying…the thought of it was terrifying to me. But after my first flight, I’ve been fine ever since. I still get jiggers though when the plane hits turbulence.
I don’t mind flying but I find my ears start hurting during descent.
I love flying. I like how it can transport me across the world. I have to have a window seat to be able to watch.
Very nice share safer than driving actually.
The only thing I dislike about flying is that my lower legs swell!
I haven’t been on an airplane yet but someday I would like to try flying!