Everyone has a sense of the outdated when it comes to the clothes they wear, and that’s because the fashion is changing all the time and it’s practically impossible to keep up. Similarly, half of the trends that come and go on the style front are usually quite silly, and you don’t think much of them! On the other hand, you just might not care what it is you wear. And when you think about this, you realize your ‘outdated’ wardrobe is actually a bit of a cultural monument in your house, so make sure you’re loving it as much as possible. And you do that by wearing and re-purposing as many of the materials inside it as possible! Here’s some tips on how.
Stock Up on Basics
Basic items are what makes up our wardrobes, so if you’ve got barely anything in there that resembles a vest top, some plain trousers, or some plain skirts and tights, you’re going to want to stock up. It’s these clothes that make up the basis of most of our outfits, and changing the style of them simply comes from how you wear them and what accessories you put on top.
Keep Old But Professional Items
Every single ‘basic’ item you used to own is now something you could rock really well in a business setting, and because of that you should never throw these professional pieces away! Your wardrobe shouldn’t be overstocked after all, and trends don’t last forever. Being able to look comfortable and in control in whatever you’ve got on makes you perfect for the career world.
There’s a good chance that your pair of grey suit pants aren’t looking their best since you found them at the back of the wardrobe. They also might look a bit weak in the knees or fraying at the bottom, and that’s not a good look for anyone! If so, make sure you find a service that’s good at hemming pants to make sure you really get that professional finish, as trying to do it yourself can end in just more and more fraying!
Try to Vary Your Style
If you want to try and get more use out of any of the pieces you find at the back of your wardrobe, try and vary what it is you wear and feel comfortable in them. No matter what anyone else thinks of you, especially friends and family who claim ‘that’s not you,’ you’re rocking the clothes you’ve been dealt and saving some good money at the same time!
Bring pieces out of the wardrobe that you want to start using the most, and try to keep them in sight so you can reach for them one morning and think, ‘this is the outfit I’m going to love wearing today.’
The concept of an outdated wardrobe is often an outdated concept, but there are outfits out there that really should be left in the 2000s! Just try using your clothes to their full potential!
These are great tips for looking your best without having to buy a bunch of new clothes.
Basic and foundation pieces that never go out of style are always a good idea.
These are all great tips. There are a few basics you should always have.
I have to watch out for the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ clothes. Good Idea to bring them up front.