As I made my way into adulthood and started really understanding what it meant to take care of my body, I truly started to grasp how terrible my lifestyle was. I took OTC pain reliever at the slightest onset of pain.
I consumed junk food if not daily then every other day. I was constantly on the go, being a full-time college student, mom, and business owner. I didn’t have time to think about every little detail of what I was putting into my body. Wasn’t there some way to life hack this and find a one size fits all?
During one of my holistic courses in college, I was told to write an essay on ancient holistic remedies and how you could apply these to your daily life, in hopes to cut back on some of modern medicine’s not-so-healthy approaches. I spoke to come professors and fellow students, interviewed some of my colleagues at the birthing center I worked at, and happened upon Baltic Amber.
What is discovered is that Baltic Amber is nature’s goldmine. I dove into my research. What I found not only was enough to write my essay, but it also answered my questions regarding my daily life and the changes I was looking to implement.
So what is Baltic amber?
Baltic amber is a stone that is made from the sap collected from conifer trees located near the Baltic sea. Countries surrounding this area have used amber for centuries due to it’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich oils. Amber can be used for your swollen joints and inflamed muscles, and has even been implemented into modern day maternity care as a natural form of Ibuprofen for pregnant women suffering from sciatica issues or migraines.
How does Baltic amber work?
Amber originally was used in its natural form by placing a heated stone on the area you that was inflamed or causing you pain, i.e. lower back for sciatica or your forehead for a headache. The heated stone would allow for the oils to pass through the porous surface and be absorbed into the bloodstream.
Today, we use the same notion but have improved upon the idea by using amber stones and turning them into baby teething amber necklaces. Wearing the amber allows for your body’s natural temperature to heat the amber bead and the succinic rich oils to seep through it’s porous surface and into your bloodstream, just as it was used in the “old days”.
What is succinic acid?
Succinic acid is the medicinal component in amber that acts as an anti-inflammatory and is rich with antioxidants. Baltic amber is known for having the highest potency of succinic acid on the market today, coming in at twice as much as any other form of amber on the market.
With all this information and positive testimonials, I was convinced that I would have an excellent essay that provided a passing grade, but was also excited to see what amber could do for my life. I ordered myself a necklace and threw out my pain relievers.
After wearing my necklace for a week, I noticed that the migraines that I suffered from had practically disappeared. By 6 months, I was completely off of my OTC pain medication and convinced that amber was modern medicines answer to pain relief.
I started informing my patients of it’s wonderful healing benefits and even passed around some samples. The positive reviews were endless! So if you’re still asking yourself, “what can Baltic amber do for me?”, try it out for yourself. Let Baltic amber be your natural approach to living, too!
Guest post by Jenn Sanders. Jenn Sanders currently works as a marketing assistant at Baltic Wonder, a company that is dedicated to the health and well-being of infants. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family and outdoor adventures.