Most of us like a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, but aside from black coffee or one with some milk and sugar, very few of us expand our horizons with flavors. At best, some may try artificial sweeteners or cream. However, there’s a vast world of taste out there for coffee lovers to try and love. Having said that, though, some tastes go better with your morning coffee than others. Because of that, it’s worth trying out a few specific tastes before trying the whole lot. With that in mind, here are some of the best flavors and spices to try with your morning coffee.
If you’re a fan of the taste that sugar and cream bring to coffee, but don’t want any of those extra calories, then vanilla syrup is perfect. Depending on how much of a vanilla taste you want in your coffee, a few drops will do in a coffee pot or one small one in a cup. However, you can always adjust this depending on your taste, so it can be great to experiment with different amounts of vanilla.
This is one of the more common ways to spice up your morning coffee, and that’s because of the unique taste that it adds to the brew. The easiest way to spice up your coffee with cinnamon is to toss a cinnamon stick into a boiled pot of coffee and let the flavor absorb in. You could also just toss a dash of cinnamon into a cup if you’re just making enough for one person. Cinnamon has also been shown to have one of the highest antioxidant contents in any spice, which makes it great for boosting your immune system.
This is something that’s not well known in the West but is extremely popular in the Middle-East, and for a good reason. This exotic spice has a unique flavor somewhat similar to ginger; because of that, it offers a somewhat unique flavor in a cup of coffee. On top of that, it contains a lot of fiber and other essential minerals so that it can be very healthy.
If you prefer a somewhat earthy taste with your coffee, then nutmeg is the perfect ingredient for you. While it’s not an overpowering taste, it does provide an amazing smell that’s somewhat unique; even those who don’t care much for the taste of nutmeg will be able to enjoy the smell when it’s infused with coffee. The overall taste is sweet, which should delight those who prefer an earthy taste. While there’s no exact rule on measurement, many suggest starting with just a dash of nutmeg and then adjusting based on taste. Because of that, you’ll be able to experiment with different amounts of nutmeg to get the best possible taste. On top of that, it can help add to the holiday spirit around the Christmas season.
This is a subtle spice that can give your morning coffee a seasonal twist and using lavender can add a floral taste to your coffee. All you need to do is grind up some lavender and add to your coffee. However, it should be noted that you shouldn’t add too much lavender; if you do, the coffee will end up tasting somewhat soapy and won’t be very appealing. Furthermore, lavender tends to go best with lighter and more citrusy brews rather than the darker, stronger brews. Because of that, you may want to avoid mixing it with coffee that’s very strong as it may not taste as great. If you’re a fan of light coffees, however, it can be a seasonal treat to enjoy every once in a while.
With all of these just to start from, what’s stopping you from trying out the world of unique flavors and spices to try with your morning coffee? There are dozens of more flavors to choose from, so you’ll always be able to experiment with different mixes and matches. Because of the variety, you’ll be able to find a flavor that makes your morning coffee perfect. There are a significant amount of different spices to try, and some may even complement each other when mixed in with your coffee. With that in mind, you’ll have an endless amount of fun experimenting with different flavors.
I love to add flavor to coffee. I make a chai spice blend that I shake into coffee, but have been using it at holiday time mostly. I need to get it out and use it now!