Fitness is something you’re either going to be really into, or you’re not. Considering you’re reading this very article, we would assume that your love for fitness is strong, and you’re looking for ways to grow that love, and to know what else you can do with it. Fitness is something that becomes a way of life, once you actually get into it. But for it to become a way of life, you have to have been committed for a long while now. If there’s one thing that people love to fall off the wagon with, it’s fitness. It’s easy to just have one bad week, and then all of the sudden you’re struggling to get back into the routine that you’re in. It’s because all the aspects of fitness literally take over your life. You have to think about exercise, diet, the supplements you’re giving your body, and how you can maintain its systems. But when you get to this level of caring in terms of your body, you’re ready to take it to the next level. Here’s how we think you can explore your love for fitness a little bit further, and turn this hobby into a real passion. Keep on reading to find out more.
Master The Basics
There are so many basics that you need to try and master, before you even think about exploring your love for fitness further. So many people just aren’t getting the basics right, despite thinking that they’re ticking all of the boxes. So, the first thing that you really need to try and understand, is your nutrition. People like to think that it’s the exercise that’s doing all of the hard work, but in fact it’s what you’re putting into your body that’s going to play a bigger part. And it’s so easy to go wrong with nutrition, especially since it’s so much easier to cook unhealthy, or buy unhealthy foods. But until you know what you’re doing, this will always be the way. A simple pasta, rice, and veg dish, will take no longer than 30 minutes to prepare. Yet people build up this image in their mind that it will take all night.
So firstly, wrap your head around the healthy eating, and all of the food groups you need to try and incorporate into your diet. Even if you’re on a plant based diet, there are still plenty of ways for your body to get all of the fats, protein, and carbs that it needs. These three things are called your macros, and getting the management right is going to mean the difference between progress and not. There are plenty of articles on the internet, such as this one, that should help guide you through the process of getting the balance right. The exercise comes shortly after that, and by training the right muscle groups through light weight work, as well as cardio, you can really make a difference. Training three or four times a week is the sweet spot, because it gives your body plenty of time to rest and recover.
Getting The Knowledge Behind You
Having the knowledge behind you is so important, and this is one thing that we think people really fail with. We’ve gone into a little bit of detail so to what knowledge you should be thinking about in terms of diet, but there’s actually so much more to it than that. How many of you can say that you honestly know how the body works? How all of the systems are put together, and how what we’re doing to it is having an effect? It’s just not something that you clue yourself up on, aside from when you’ve been stuck in a classroom in school that you really didn’t want to be in. But now we’re all a bit more grown up, we can start thinking of the different areas of the body that we can learn about, and how this will benefit our lives. So first things first, you need to understand how the things we’re putting into our bodies, is going to affect it. So if you’re someone who always suffers with bloat, like a lot of us do, there is so much information out there explaining how the foods we use effects this, as well as the lifestyle choices we make. For every problem you’re having, there’s a good explanation out there telling you why it’s happening, and how you can change it. So take the time to really understand your body. Do some research on the different systems it relies on to function, and use it to better your love for fitness.
Turning It Into A Career
So the next step, is to think about how you can turn your love for fitness, into a career that you have for life. It just makes sense to pursue something like this, if you’ve always thought about how miserable you are in the job you have at the minute. If you’re stuck behind an office desk, maybe in a warehouse, or just doing something you hate getting up in the morning for, then fitness is the way forward. It’s so much better to get up in the morning knowing that you’re not only making a difference to your own life, but you’re making a difference to the people you’re working with as well. Personal training is a natural route to take in terms of fitness, because for one, it’s just so easy to get into. But you can’t just jump into this because you’ve made your own progress, and you have your own love of fitness. You need to check out platforms such as OriGym, that will provide you with personal training classes to take you up to that next tier. Once you have the qualifications to back yourself, it becomes so much easier to gain that clientele. You could join a gym that’s taking on personal trainers, and not only have the wage from the personal trainer, but also from personal training sessions. It’s really not that complex to go into a career like this, you just have to have the willingness to do it!
Realizing The Dangers
There definitely are some dangers with fitness, and the sooner people realize them, the easier it’s going to be to condition your body. So the biggest danger of fitness, is where it takes people. So many get so involved and dedicated to their fitness life, that they start neglecting what their body actually needs, and that’s rest. Rest is the time where your body and mind gets to shut off. If you’re working out, you’re no doubt doing it after work, alongside showering, eating, and trying to get enough sleep. It’s just not what your body needs, and the sooner you realize that, the better! Another danger, is becoming too self conscious of your body, meaning you’re always working to better what is already perfect. Being in the gym so much, and being so into following fitness people on Instagram, is no doubt going to lead to insecurities coming out. So rather than focusing on a goal, or focusing on what other people are looking like, simply enjoy fitness. Your body will naturally change, but that won’t be all that’s on your mind!
Branching Out & Trying Something New
Finally, there’s so many avenues in fitness to explore, so branch out and try something new. If you’re always in the gym working out and lifting weights, why not try an outdoor yoga class. Male or female, this is the perfect form of exercise. It stretches and strengthens your body, helps to make you feel relaxed and amazing, and teaches you more about your body. Yoga is a trend that’s definitely catching on at the minute as well!
good ideas and suggestions. I agree with you about nutrition. For me, it’s hard because I am on the road all the time. I did go back to the gym recently and I am going to be more committed to both exercise and nutrition