Travelling alone when you’re single, young, and free can be one of the most beautiful and most rewarding times of your life, and it’s sure to be an experience you’re never going to forget and will cherish for the rest of your life. However, this time, especially if it’s your first time, can be scary and daunting.
What do you do? Where do you go? Are you safe? How do you meet new people? Is it weird? These are all doubts you’ll go through, so today’s guide is focused on five of the most important tips you need to know to put your mind at ease. Let’s get right into it.
Some days, You Won’t Feel Up For It
While travelling is mostly a positive experience, I’m going to start off by saying that there are going to be days when you want to pack it all in and go home. You’re going to feel homesick, and you’re going to miss your friends. Something might not work out, and you’ll think ‘okay, I’ll go home, this isn’t working out’.
I’m here to tell you to stop and keep going. Feelings like this are temporary, and in my experience, you’re only going to witness something more beautiful in due course. Don’t let a fleeting emotion ruin your trip. Things go right, and things go wrong. That’s just how life works. Embrace the beauty of it.
Believe in Yourself
So many of us these days don’t believe in ourselves. Whether that’s trusting we have what it takes to do something or trusting our gut when it comes to a certain situation if this sounds like you, travelling solo is a great way to address this. Whether you’re planning a route or facing a situation that scares you, jump into it and believe in yourself. Build trust in yourself and understand the impact of doing so will change your life.
Find more travel advice like this at websites like sanetraveller.
Watch Your Consumption
While travelling, you’re probably going to be exposed to the opportunity to get drunk or take drugs. Now, while in many countries drugs are illegal to use (so remember this) I understand that everybody is different and some of you reading this will want to do it anyway. That’s your choice. However, in any situation, don’t get so drunk or high that you have no idea what’s going on.
While it may seem like you’re getting smashed with friends, remember that anything can happen and you need to be able to look after yourself. There’s nobody out there that had to look after you, that’s on you.
Stay in Contact with Home
While it’s all very exciting to get caught up with what you’re up to, the people you’re meeting, and the experiences you’re getting involved in, remember that people at home care about you and you should stay in touch, even if it’s just a little message every now and then or a phone just to check-in. Safety first and remember your relationships.
Other Solo Travelers Don’t Bite
When you’re in the travelling atmosphere, remember that everyone you meet, be it on excursions or in hostels or even out in the street, is out and travelling around for mostly the same reasons. Everyone is looking to meet new people and broaden their horizons, just like you are, and so approaching people and meeting new people is not as hard as it may seem in your head.
Travelling alone and single doesn’t need to be scary and overwhelming, but more exciting and ready to embrace the life-changing impact it will have by boosting your confidence and helping you see the world in a new way. Be brave, believe in yourself, and get ready to explore everything this world has to offer!