It should be basic knowledge that a sedentary lifestyle can have a detrimental impact on your health profile but it is easy to get into bad habits and also not realize how little exercise you are getting each week.
Taking an interest in health and lifestyle matters is always a good idea and sites like conservehealth can help to give you pointers on important aspects of your life such as how much exercise you should be getting.
Here are some persuasive reasons why regular exercise is so important to your health.
Helps you maintain an ideal weight
Being overweight puts your body under greater strain and increases the risk of developing long-term health problems.
You don’t have to go to the gym to engage in meaningful physical activity and even if your exercise routine involves regular walks and taking the stairs instead of using the elevator that will definitely help improve your health profile.
Look after your heart
Regular physical activity helps you to produce more of the good cholesterol known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and this will help to reduce the prospect of developing cardiovascular disease.
The bottom line is that regular physical activity will keep the blood pumping and that can make some typical health problems to become more manageable such as high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.
There is a long list of health conditions and diseases linked to being overweight and having a sedentary lifestyle and if you commit to trying to look after your heart with regular physical activity you will be helping your body to combat these life-shortening health issues.
Mental wellbeing
Another positive aspect of regular exercise is how it can provide a positive boost to your mental health.
There are plenty of studies that confirm the fact that exercise is a very good way of improving your general mood and physical activity does this by stimulating a number of different brain chemicals that influence your anxiety and happiness levels.
A good sleep pattern
You can’t function properly without getting plenty of regular restful sleep but you might find that you are struggling to achieve that aim without regular exercise.
It stands to reason that if you are feeling tired from physical exercise you should be able to get to sleeper more easily and quickly.
How much exercise do you need?
These are some prime examples of why regular exercise matters and you will find plenty more besides, but you might be wondering how much physical activity is needed on a regular basis to be able to see some tangible benefits.
Your aim should be to undertake at least 2-3 hours of moderate activity each week that raises your heart rate, like walking. If you do like to go running or want to do a more rigorous workout, you can reduce the time commitment accordingly.
Whichever way you look at it, regular exercise is clearly beneficial in helping you to maintain a healthy weight and it could also make a meaningful difference to your long-term health outlook.