Like any pet, Koi fish need to be cared for and their habitat must be properly maintained. In order for your fish to grow up to their full potential and live for a long time, you must be aware of the most obvious and important factor in their health: the pond.
Always Assess Water Quality
Evaporation can cause the level of the pond to decrease rapidly, especially if pond aerators and fountains are running all the time to keep the oxygen levels fresh. This can leave behind minerals that will lower the quality of the water over time. Therefore, it is important to remove at least 10-15% of the water level every week, refilling it with fresh water that has been treated with a de-chlorinator.
Keep an Eye on Algae
Some algae formation in your pond is natural since algae easily grow in environments with over-abundances of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and minerals. Aside from being an eyesore, excessive algae growth can inhibit the amount of oxygen your Koi fish needs to prosper. Using an algaecide can control an outbreak by suppressing the reducing the amount of minerals present in the water without harming the Koi fish.
Test pH and Nitrate Levels Regularly
This goes hand-in-hand with algae amounts since a pH above 8 can cause the growth of algae. Levels will often differ during morning and night and will change to an acidic 7 or lower after rainfall. A healthy level of nitrates in your pond fall should fall at or below 20 parts per million. Water plants are an excellent way to keep these nitrates under control. If you ever get a reading higher than that, consider that 120 ppm is lethal and that you should replace the water accordingly.
Consider Owning a Few More Fish
Species such as Golden Orfe, Goldfish, Barbel, and Tench fish are helpful in several ways. Golden Orfe’s and Goldfish are a great option because they serve as companion fish to the Koi, ultimately keeping them happy and healthy. Barbel and Tench can be your live-in janitors because they feed off of the bottom of the pond, getting rid of anything that might sink to the bottom and skew mineral levels.
Keep the Water Moving
As mentioned above, a water fountain or electric pump filter will keep oxygen levels ideally between 6-9 milligrams per liter of water.
With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy environment for your Koi fish to thrive in for years to come.