There’s nothing worse than an upset tummy. Whether it’s discomfort that leaves you curled up in bed or on the couch to needing to go to the toilet every five minutes, it’s something that can often happen to us when we’re generally sick or perhaps have eaten something that didn’t agree with you in the first place. Here are some things to do when you have an upset tummy.

Keep Meals As Basic & Simple As Possible
It’s important to keep your meals as basic as possible when you have an upset tummy because anything that’s rich might end up doing more damage to how you’re feeling. Your digestive system is likely to be a lot more sensitive, whether you’ve been laid up with the flu or you’ve perhaps eaten something that you’re intolerant to. With that being said, it is worth perhaps making your next couple of meals as basic as you can. Dry toast or cereal can be the most effective, perhaps soup if you can stomach it as liquids are something you’ll want to have as much of when it comes to a poorly tummy.
Drink Plenty Of Water
As it’s been mentioned, having plenty of fluids in your body is going to replace anything that you’ve lost whether that’s being sick or using the toilet frequently. Your body needs around one to one and half liters of water per day but not everyone drinks this amount of water usually, let alone when it comes to having an upset tummy. It might be the last thing you want to do by drinking loads of water but it will help to make you feel better and hopefully get rid of the problem quicker as a result.
Take A Warm Bath
A warm bath is something you’ll want to take or at least to have some form of hot compress on your tummy area. When you’ve got an upset tummy, chances are it’s inflamed and hot compresses can be really helpful in aiding that discomfort you’re feeling. If you can, take a nice warm bubble bath and just take some time to relax so that your tummy can get all that warmth and hopefully you’ll come out of it feeling a lot better or at the very least, more relaxed than you were when getting into it!
See A Specialist
For any stomach or digestive issues where the problem hasn’t gone away or perhaps there seems to be an underlying issue, it’s worth seeing a specialist. This can be helpful for anything that you’re worried about and seeing someone like Dr. Shakeel Ahmed will certainly put your mind at ease. Don’t wait around for a convenient time to do it, just get to a specialist or medical professional as soon as you can.
Having an upset tummy isn’t enjoyable and most of us will want to get rid of the discomfort as quickly as possible. So use these tips to make sure you are looking after yourself and your health.