You use many appliances at home to either make your chores simpler or for entertainment purposes. The high number of devices you use at home directly reflects the utility bills you pay every month. Fortunately, there are various resources you can use to gain information on ways to save on such bills. And as summer approaches, it is a good idea to find ways to save energy on appliances such as the HVAC unit. This article discusses other tips to help you purchase energy-efficient appliances.
Get the right capacity

The size of any home appliance matters. Size is directly proportional to load or capacity; hence choosing the right size will help you save energy. For instance, if the capacity of an HVAC unit is small for the home, it will take longer to cool or heat the house. More extended periods of operation translate into higher bills. For HVAC systems, the variable unit of measure is the British Thermal Unit (BTU). According to experts, homes between 2,000 and 2,500 square feet need an HVAC unit with a capacity that can provide 34,000 BTU per hour. Smaller homes between 1,000 to 1,200 square feet will only require an HVAC system with a capacity of 21,000 to 24,000 BTU per hour.
Choose energy-saving appliances
Consciously choosing all your home appliances based on their energy-saving capacity is a step in the right direction. Never purchase a machine based on aesthetics or functionality only; if not, you will have a high utility bill to deal with. When making a purchasing decision, check if the appliance is energy-efficient or has energy settings. Energy-saving settings are handy with appliances such as air conditioners, dishwashers, and washing machines. Be sure to check the energy ratings as well.
Limit add-ons
When purchasing an appliance, limit the add-ons the salespeople try to get you to buy. The add-ons can affect the efficiency of the appliance, causing it to use up more energy. Appliances such as water dispensers, ice makers, and self-cleaning ovens use up a lot of energy so avoid any add-ons.
Know the actual cost of your purchase
Whenever you buy an appliance, there are two costs involved. The first is what you pay upfront for the appliance, and the second is how much that device costs you every month in utility bills. Choosing an energy-saving appliance ensures that you spend less on utility bills at the end of the month as they use up less energy. However, most people do not consider this as better energy-efficient appliances are more expensive upfront than their less energy-efficient counterparts. So, before you make your next purchase, know the actual cost of the appliance.
Prioritize your home appliances

Getting new home appliances can be costly, and if you are cash-strapped, you need to make priorities. Creating a priority list will enable you systematically replace the appliances while ensuring that your budget and utility bills remain favorable. To do this, place the least efficient appliances at the top of your priority list and get them replaced as soon as you can. Once you replace those appliances, you are likely to notice a drop in your utility bills. After these replacements, you can consider getting upgrades for your current appliances, such as refrigerators and washing machines that are energy-intensive.
Getting summer-ready not only involves the fun aspect. Saving from the season is also essential, and Stephen Troese Jr has some resources to help out.