None of us want to get sick, but unfortunately, sickness is a part of life. That being said, there are some things that can get you sick in no time at all, that you can mostly avoid if you are serious about lowering your sickness risk. Let’s take a look at some of them now:
Dirty bedsheets
When it comes to sickness risks in the home, your bedsheets are a prime candidate. Dust mites can breed rapidly in sheets that are not regularly washed because there is a constant supply of dead skin for them to enjoy. When they are present in large numbers they can make allergies and conditions like asthma worse, and lower your immune system so that you’re more likely to get sick overall.
The good news is, all you need to do to avoid this is wash your sheets in hot soapy water at least once each week.
Your toothbrush
We spend so much time and money looking after our teeth from investing in clear aligners to straighten them to buying the most expensive electric toothbrush on the market. But, many of us put our oral health, and our general health for that matter, at risk by not rinsing our toothbrushes after every use and by leaving them exposed. This allows bacteria from our mouths and the environment to collect and grow. We then put the toothbrushes back into our mouths, and bang! We get sick
Rinse after each use and keep your toothbrush covered and it’s less likely to make you sick quick.

Door handles
This is probably an obvious one after the coronavirus pandemic has forced us all to reevaluate how we avoid germs, but it’s still worth noting that door handles are a real sickness risk. All it takes is for one person who is infected with a contagious illness to touch a door handle, and anyone who does the same after them will be at a huge risk of getting sick too.
If you want to avoid getting sick in this way, you obviously can’t avoid all door handles, but you can clean any that belong to you, and you can certainly use a tissue or your sleeve to open doors so you don’t have to touch them with your skin.
Salt and pepper shakers
Salt and pepper shakers are frequently used but infrequently clean, so it is, perhaps, not that surprising that they are a huge hidden cause of passing on sickness.
If you use salt and pepper shakers, be sure to empty them out and thoroughly clean them at least once a week, and maybe wipe the surfaces down after each use. Use a napkin or something similar to hold them when you’re eating out, and you’ll be far less likely to get sick.
When you use makeup that you’ve previously used when sick, you risk the chance of being reinfected because various nasties can live on makeup for a pretty long time.
Avoid using cosmetics when sick and throw out any you do use to avoid getting sick again quick.
All of these things can make you sick quick, so be sure to avoid them as best you can!