Health and wellness encompasses a lot more than just a good diet and going for a weekly run. Your physical health is important, but so are your mental, emotional and spiritual health, and these factors are often neglected.
But how does one even take care of their spiritual health? This is a completely personal element of yourself and what you choose to do will be dependent on your preferences. Here are some ideas of great spiritual practices to add to your daily life.
Explore Religion
While organised religion isn’t for everyone, finding faith is helpful for many people in bringing positivity and meaning into their lives. Take some time to really explore and commit yourself to whichever religion you’re drawn to.
For example, if you’re a Christian, make an effort to really connect with God. Try weekly bible study with a KJV bible, commit to daily prayer and find a church community that you align with.
Practice Mindfulness
Being mindful looks different to everyone, but it plays an important role in our spiritual and mental health.
You can practice mindfulness in the form of meditation, prayer, yoga, other types of exercise, immersing yourself in a hobby, or even simply putting your technology away for an hour or two a day to really live in the present moment. Being mindful really just means taking a few moments to eliminate distractions and check in with yourself.
Take Care of Your Body
Your physical, mental and spiritual health are actually deeply interconnected. When you treat your physical health as part of a spiritual practice, you’ll come to realize the importance of physical self-care.
Eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, sleeping well and hydrating are all forms of honouring your body and taking care of your spirit’s physical home.
Yet another form of mindfulness, journaling is a great way to connect with your own emotions and reflect on your life. There are many ways to journal, and there’s a style suited to every kind of spiritual practice.
You could journal your prayers, your daily feelings, a monthly reflection, gratitude, your daily schedule or even letters to yourself for the future. Whichever way you choose to express yourself, putting pen to paper and allowing your thoughts and emotions to find their place out of your mind is a great way to work on inner peace.
Break Away
Our daily hustle mindset can be extremely damaging to our spiritual health in the long term. An innate focus on work, productivity, achievement, and constantly doing more can be damaging to our mindset if we never take the time to simply “be”.
Taking time away from our busy lives every once in a while is more than just a holiday, it’s actually a great spiritual practice.
Experiencing new places and people can be a learning curve, and focusing on something other than “getting things done” can awaken and revitalize our souls when they’re crushed under the pressures of daily life and expectations.