Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or are just starting out in the world of yoga, a fifteen-minute stretch is enough to get your blood flowing, keeping you physically and mentally alert for your daily errands. In addition to this, constant exercise allows you to benefit from increased flexibility, improved muscle strength, and improved cardio and circulatory health. If you are also looking to reduce your weight or toning your muscles, yoga will be your go-to. So, what exercises should you consider for your morning routines?
Three-Legged Dog
The three-legged dog will be a good exercise for strengthening and increasing flexibility in your hips. Gale Tobin recommends starting with the downward dog position. Next, lift your right foot off the mat and stretch towards the ceiling. Ensure that your shoulders align with your body while keeping your bodyweight even between your palms and your left foot. Hold this position for about three breaths, and then switch to your other side.
Cat-Cow Pose
To perform the cat-cow pose, start by getting down to your fours. Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders and your knees below your hips. For the cat pose, exhale while rounding your back and dropping your head and tailbone toward your mat. For the cow pose, inhale as you arch your back, tilting your tailbone and chin toward the ceiling. Do each pose about five times for ultimate shoulder and spine health.
Downward Facing Dog
Start by getting down to your fours. Next, tuck your toes to your mat and lift your hips into the air. Extend your legs straight while shifting your weight back onto your feet until your body forms a V shape. Hold this for a few seconds to help your body adjust to the new posture. Do this about five times. The downward-facing dog will be an ideal stretch for anyone looking to strengthen their hips, shoulders, and hamstrings.
Low Lunge
For the low lunge, begin by standing, then bend forward to place your hands on the floor in front of your feet. Step backwards with your left foot until your leg is straight. Your toes should be tucked and your heel high to allow you to bend your right knee to a 90-degree angle with your balance placed on the fingertips. Lower your knee and shin onto the mat, slowly untucking your left toe. The low lunge can be performed for about three breaths on each side to allow your hips, legs, and knees to get improved flexibility.
Forward Fold
The forward fold is perfect for increasing blood flow throughout your body while keeping your heart and back in optimal health. Start by standing with your feet apart at hip distance. Interlock your hands behind your back, keeping your arms straight. Next, lift your fists away from your body and lift your face towards the ceiling. Spread your collarbones wide and hinge your hips to fold your torso over your legs. Your arms should be stretched overhead for this pose. Let your head relax downwards, shifting your weight towards your feet. Do this for about five breaths.
Taking part in the above exercises will be essential in helping you stay fit both physically and mentally, while also protecting you from injuries as the years go by. With this in mind, consider implementing these stretches into your daily routine for long-term health benefits.