When you think of household pets, you think of dogs and cats, then what? Birds? Fish? Are you surprised to learn that fish are the third most popular pet to keep?
Fish are low-maintenance and can be a great addition to any home, small or large. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colors which makes it easy to find the perfect one for you. Before you go out and buy a fish tank, there are a few things you need to know.
One of them is the possibility of needing a fish tank heater. Here are five reasons you may or may not need one to help you decide if fish is the right pet for you.
1. The Size of Your Tank Matters
The size of your tank is important when deciding if you need a fish tank heater.
A small tank, like a 2.5 or 5-gallon, will need a heater to maintain a consistent water temperature. But, a larger tank, like a 55-gallon, will hold the heat better and may not require one. Pay attention to this when selecting the correct heater size.
2. The Type of Fish You Have (or Want) Makes a Difference
Some fish are tropical and used to warmer waters while others are fine in cooler environments. It’s important to know what type of fish you have or want before buying a heater for your tank.
Tropical fish such as betta fish or swordtails need warm temperatures to thrive. Others are fine with room temperature or even cool water, such as goldfish or axolotls. Axolotls are a type of salamander that can live in both fresh and salt water. Learn more about this unique type of pet and buy axolotls here.
3. The Room Temperature Matters, Too
If you live in a warm climate or your home is typically warm, you may not need a fish tank heater.
If you live in a cooler climate or your home is cool, then a heater will be necessary to maintain the aquarium temperature.
4. Types of Heaters
If you’ve decided you need a fish tank heater, there are a few different types to choose from. The most common and least expensive type is the immersion heater. This goes into the water and heats it up that way.
The next type is the submersible heater, which is placed under gravel or rocks at the bottom of the tank. This type evenly distributes the heat throughout the entire tank.
The last type is the canister filter with a built-in heater. As water passes through the filter, it’s heated and then returned to the tank.
5. You May Need More Than One Fish Tank Heater
Depending on the size of your fish tank and what type of fish you have, you may need more than one heater. This is because heat rises and the top of the tank may not be as warm as the bottom.
If you have a small tank, you may only need one heater overall. But, if you have a large tank or your fish need warm water, then you may need two heaters, one at the top and bottom of the tank.
An aquarium thermometer can help you to check this.
Enjoy Your Fish Pets
Now that you know a little more about fish tanks and heaters, you can decide if fish are the right pet for you. They’re low-maintenance and easy to care for, plus they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. All you need is a fish tank, some rocks or gravel, and maybe a fish tank heater or two, and you’re ready to go!
Keep reading this blog to learn more about pet care.