1. An opportunity to communicate across the world
One of the biggest benefits that the internet provides is it’s connectivity – pun intended. That connectivity has allowed for many people across the world to connect with people and organizations that they might have never connected with, had the internet not come about.
Being able to communicate with just about anyone and everyone is quite a thrilling prospect. It’s helped connect long-lost families, enabled businesses to collaborate, and for families and friends living far apart, to connect simply with the tap of a button.
Whether it’s being able to Facetime a long-distance partner in another country to setting up global meetings in a virtual reality setting, the internet has done a lot for many people since it’s conception.
2. A career
While it might not be for everyone, the internet has brought about it, a new generation of career paths. There are so many roles out there that are now available due to the digital world existing. Whether that’s for a company that’s completely remote or doing a job that’s based solely around the internet.
If you’re looking for a new career path or you’re fresh out of college education, the internet has opened up opportunities to a level that has never been seen before. Not only that but there will be certain career paths you might not have even known to have existed prior due to all of the knowledge and resources available online.
That means, if you’re stuck in a job you hate, you no longer have to when it comes to what the internet can offer.
3. Options to help bust boredom when it hits
Find yourself at home bored, with nothing to do? Well, the internet is here to bust that boredom away. Whether it’s playing online sudoku or going down a rabbit hole of YouTube videos where paranormal ‘experts’ discover a new ghost every other video.
There are plenty of options that come with the internet and that you can take advantage of so that this boredom you feel, can be banished in just a few seconds. Not only that but it’s a good way of spending your time, especially if you’re able to learn something from it. There’s educational value to the internet, don’t you know!
4. Good for learning something new
If you’re looking to learn something new, then you needn’t look further than the internet. The internet is full of useful and somewhat useful stuff. There’s also a lot of unusual stuff but each to their own.
With the internet, you have access to so much at your fingertips. In fact, you could if you had the time spare and money at that, to do a whole degree online without even so much as stepping foot into a seminar room.
When you’re looking to boost your knowledge for those pub quizzes or family game nights, the internet is helpful to have as an encyclopedia.
5. Easy way to shop for what you need
For any fashionista or those who are up at 3am, because they’re a new parent and have to kill some time, online shopping is the way to go.

The high street of shopping has changed incredibly over time, with a lot of malls downsizing or having less shops open due to the demand of the internet. You’ll likely only see big cities with an abundance of retail stores available. Due to the rising cost of leases and rentals on units, a lot of businesses have had to shut shop and open up online instead – where it’s free!
The internet has made it incredibly easy to shop nowadays with some companies like Amazon as an example, being able to deliver products to its customers the day of ordering. The future of online shopping is likely to only advance as newer technologies and engineering comes about.
Before long, we can expect drones and robots being the main delivery service for those who make a purchase online. It’s already happening in some parts of the world.
6. Streamlining business and personal tasks
With the internet, comes a whole host of technology available. Not only do you have the opportunity to access tools and software online, but you don’t have to have access to a laptop or desktop computer to utilize it.
This has provided many advantages for businesses, who wanted to cut down their expenses when it came to software that had to be downloaded onto a single computer before being accessible. Now, you can access it via your browser for most software, and as long as you have access to the internet, you can hop onto the platform whenever needed.
So, when it comes to streamlining tasks, whether it be for business or pleasure, the internet has helped in many ways to make things a lot easier and more affordable.
7. Helps with sparking curiosity
Finally, and perhaps one that will continue to be a big benefit of the internet, is that the internet helps with sparking curiosity. That’s the searches you put into Google or the research you do for a paper at university. With the internet, you have the luxury of being able to search and find anything you want.
The internet continues to benefit us, so with that in mind, make sure you’re making use of the internet in some way this year.