Christmas is only a few days away! Most of you are concentrating on wrapping up your presents and gearing up for the big day. However, I hope you can take a moment out of your time to remember the less fortunate and people who really need your prayers plus support.
I want you to meet Bert who is a newly single parent. One week after back surgery, his marriage unexpectedly ended. Two months later, he lost his job. Bert’s four-year-old son and him moved in with a friend until he could get back on his feet. Yet, life had a different turn of events and unfortunately, to top it all off, he recently received word that he has cancer once again.
Bert is now spending every free minute loving his 5 year old son and being the best father he knows how to be. I know this sounds like a bad country song gone wrong, but it’s a true story and he needs your help. To combine job loss, divorce, homelessness, and Stage IV Rectal Cancer is completely overwhelming. He recently wrote a song to “reflect the insanity & hopefully make you laugh at the absurdity.” Check it out!
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Please help Bert write the next verse! If you have a website or blog share his story and let everyone know that they can make a contribution of any amount at
* I have never met Bert and this is not a sponsored post. I’m just helping spread the word of someone in need who can use your help. I believe we are all brothers and sisters on the same journey. We just take different paths to get there! Happy Holidays!