I receive several emails a day and I can ignore (not proud of it but I do) some depending upon the subject contained in the message. You know the ones I am talking about! The “you won a million euros” or “appear in court” or “review my piece of chewed gum” crappola emails that flood your inbox. Sifting through the good from the bad is time consuming and my delete button gets more action daily than the box office on opening day of 50 Shades Of Grey!
Pro Vax: Enough is Enough
Anyhow, I received an email with the subject Pro Vax: Enough is Enough. My curiosity sparked over if this was a passionate parent against vaccines or if I had said something offending again and was being asked to retract it. In any case, I wanted to read it even though I normally don’t get into issues like this on my website, because it ends up in a heated battle without a winner. I skipped over the delete button and opened the message. Well, the email was actually from Peter K, a Capital Hill parent who is passionate about vaccinations and wants to help motivate anti-vax parents to think twice about their stance against vaccinations. Here is the email I received…
Dear Michelle,
My wife and I are Capitol Hill parents who are trying to get 50,000 “I Vaccinated” stickers in pediatricians’ offices across the country. Just like you wear an “I voted today” sticker after you voted, kids and parents would do the same after leaving their pediatrician’s office.
We noticed that living on the hill and talking about vaccinations with other parents is a taboo topic. You never know who you’re going to offend.
We’ve started a Kickstarter to provide pro-vax parents a voice.
Through this Kickstarter, we will:
- Help our parents demonstrate to others that they feel confident in their decision to vaccinate their children.
- Give a voice to the scientific side of this debate.(Which frankly isn’t all that sexy right now, probably because our position relies primarily on boring old facts and scientific research.)
- Demonstrate our commitment to ensuring proper scientifically sound care for our children and our country.
Check out our Kickstarter here:
Please let us know if this is something you’d be interested in writing about this in A Happy Hippy Mom
Pete and Katy Keesey
My response to Peter
Hey Peter!
Thanks for the info! First I like to say up front…I believe in vaccinations. Although, I do think more research needs to be conducted on the immunization schedule and bundled shot effectiveness. Also, the whole thing about the so called “vaccination superstition” is not an irrationality. I actually watched a perfectly healthy two year old little girl lose all muscle control after receiving her vaccinations and die several months later…WITH MY OWN EYES. I know the truth what can happen. It might be rare, but death by vaccination does occur. Why do you think you need to sign the long…extra long…form before getting your children vaccinated? It certainly isn’t for your benefit now is it? It is basically so you can’t claim damages against the medical field if your child has a reaction or die. It is a tiny fraction of children who perish by immunizations, yet it is too many.
I’m not a naive individual who believes everything I read on the internet. BUT, I can’t say I completely trust the FDA neither. Do you?
In the case of the Disneyland outbreak, some of the patients had received the full two doses and STILL contracted the measles. Therefore, the vaccinations are not a guarantee of not getting or giving the disease. More research needs to be done!
I don’t believe funding a sticker propaganda program as a way of bullying parents into vaccinations is a justification when the money could be used for more important matters. Honestly, do you really think Pro-Vax parents need a voice, since most of the media (like CNN) seems to have pushed the entire subject down the throats of anyone who will listen? This isn’t a popularity contest we are talking about, but the health and lives of our children. Enough is enough!
Pro-Vax vs Anti-vax debate
Okay, I wanted to share this because you might feel completely different about the Pro-Vax vs Anti-vax debate and would like to help fund the kickstarter. Perhaps, you believe a sticker is a way of getting your voice heard about vaccinations. I’m probably opening a huge can of worms and whip a$$ on this issue, but I personally believe no sticker, tote, t-shirt, or flier is going to change the minds of Anti-Vax parents. The money could be used toward something more useful in my opinion. Buy hey, that is just my thoughts.
Incident at MeasleLand
The entire incident at MeasleLand has opened an enormous social media discussion on the topic of vaccinations. What do you think? Are you sick and tired of the vaccination issue and the hatred it has stirred up? Do you believe the anti-vax parents are being irresponsible not vaccinating their children? Or is it a freedom right a parent has not to immunize and the government should not be allowed to mandate vaccines? OR maybe you think the entire debate has lost its purpose and enough is enough? Don’t hold back! Let me know your thoughts!
Rosie says
I was brought up in the era when some kids had polio, and I recall everyone at school had to get vaccinated. I’m fine with it. I have read Jenny McCarthy’s book, too, about her son. All I can say is if I had a child that was of the age to start vaccinations, I would do it and be on schedule for all of them.